Also checkout my Treehouse profile here.
When the page loads, the startup screen should appear.
Add programming, so that when the player clicks the start button the start screen disappears, the board appears, and the game begins. Use the tictactoe-02-inprogress.png mockup, and the board.txt
Play alternates between X and O.
The current player is indicated at the top of the page
When the current player mouses over an empty square on the board, it's symbol the X or O should appear on the square.
Players can only click on empty squares. When the player clicks on an empty square, attach the class box-filled-1 (for O) or box-filled-2 (for X) to the square.
The game ends when one player has three of their symbols in a row either horizontally, vertically or diagonally. If all of the squares are filled and no players have three in a row the game is a tie.
Add programming so that when the game ends, the board disappears and the game end screen appears.
Add programming so that when a player pushes the "New Game" button, the board appears again, empty and a new game begins.
Use the module pattern to wrap all of your JavaScript code into a single global variable or an immediately invoked function.
Let a player add their name before the game starts
Add programming to support playing against the computer. Only one player plays, the other is controlled by your programming.