支持vue-router(version >= 2.0)导航切换更改document.title
- 支持ios微信客户端的无效的bug. 参考自:http://blog.csdn.net/xuexiiphone/article/details/51966342
- via CDN
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-document-title-plugin/dist/vue-document-title-plugin.min.js"></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-router/dist/vue-router.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-document-title-plugin/dist/vue-document-title-plugin.min.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<button @click="change">change title</button>
<button @click="get">get title</button>
<template id="index">
<h1>this is index page</h1>
<router-link to="/list">go to list</router-link>
<template id="list">
<h1>this is list page</h1>
<router-link to="/">go to index</router-link>
var router = new VueRouter({
routes: [{
path: "/",
component: { template: "#index" },
meta: { title: "首页" }
}, {
path: "/list",
component: { template: "#list" },
meta: { title: "列表页" }
Vue.use(vueDocumentTitlePlugin, router, { filter: function (title) { return title + "[balabala]" } });
new Vue({
el: "#app",
methods: {
change: function () {
this.$doc.title = "xxxx";
get: function () {
- via NPM
$ npm install vue-document-title-plugin --save # Or
$ yarn add vue-document-title-plugin
// main.js
import Vue from "vue";
import VueRouter from "vue-router";
import VueDocumentTitlePlugin from "vue-document-title-plugin";
const router = new VueRouter({
routes: [{
path: "/",
// component:
meta: { title: "首页" } // 导航到这个路由document.title会变成 首页【网站名称】
Vue.use(VueDocumentTitlePlugin, router, { defTitle: "【网站名称】", filter: title => `${title}【网站名称】` });