RemindMe is no longer under development. For a better and actively maintained project, check out my other project - CoinWatch
RemindMe is a reminder and task-management app designed to help you stay organised and on top of your to-do list.
The app is built using the latest Android architecture components - resulting in a scalable, modularised and testable app.
- Kotlin
- Jetpack Compose
- Coroutines
- Flow
- Hilt
- ViewModel
- Room
- Proto DataStore
- Material Design 3
- Code analysis using Ktlint and Detekt
- Performance monitoring and crash analytics using Firebase
- Set one-off or repeat reminders at a specified time and date
- Receive a notification when a reminder fires
- Search, filter, and sort reminders
- Edit, complete, and delete reminders
- Automatic updates to reminders when a time zone shift occurs
To facilitate testing of the app, RemindMe uses the following:
- JUnit
- Espresso
- Truth
- MockK
- Compose testing library