This repostiry is a project, for a sample bank dbms system. It tries to incoporate some prevalent financial features. The main applicatioon is based on a Tkinter (Python Library) GUI, where a user can create a bank account and it'll get deposited in the database. The user can then, deposit, withdraw money, and edit his/her account. The application also has a normal calculator, simple interest calculator and a compound interest calculator.
Note: This is the first project i ever created on python for my Introduction to Python Paper, within a 7 day timeframe, thus the code is not properly optimized and has some minor bugs, but for a beginner.
- Code File -->
(main code), png, icon, database file - Idea write up and report pdf --> This tells the idea behind creating the project and what approach i had in mind. It also highlights the challenges i faced and the scope of improvement
- Running Screenshots | Output pdf --> Compilation of all running screenshots of the application
- Application Presentation --> Highlights the process and output achieved in a ppt format