Built a deep learning model using tensorflow and keras for grape leaf disease detection
- Coloured ~ 96-97%
- Grey ~ 78-80%
- Coloured Model Folder - containes a saved trained model and the raw jupyter notebook for coloured model
- Grey Model Folder - containes a saved trained model and the raw jupyter notebook for grey model
- CNN-leaf disease detection coloured.py - python file of coloured model with comments and explanation of code
- CNN-leaf disease detection grey.py - python file with of grey model comments and explanation of code
- Install the libraries used in the code
- Change the paths in the code as suggested in the comments
- Follow the comments in the code to get better understanding and running the code
- tensorflow 2.0 (gpu version)
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- cv2
- First the images from the dataset are read and converted to arrays and stored with label
- Resizing the images
- Creating the pickle files for future use
- Reshaping the data for model compatability
- Converting the labels to categories for model compatability
- Constructing the neural network using convolution, maxpooling and dense layers
- Fitting the model with 15% shuffling validation data
- Saving the model
- Evaluating the model on test data
- Predicting a sample image