Online Code Editor and Compiler with Collaboration and A.I.
- The client side is built using HTML CSS Vanilla JS.
- Clone the repository and navigate to the root directory.
- Open a terminal.
- Run "npm install" to install dependencies.
- Create a .env file at root directory and add the following fields in it.
Field | Value |
DB_URL | Your MongoDB URL |
SECRET | Any secret key |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | AWS access key ID (create one if not present) |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | AWS secret access key |
AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME | S3 bucket name |
CLIENT_ID | Jdoodle Client ID |
CLIENT_SECRET | Jdoodle Secret |
- Then run "npm start" or "node server.js" to start the server.
- Your app is now deployed locally
Server Deployment : Heroku
- To deploy on heroku signin to your heroku account. Creat a nodeJS app.
- Follow further instrictions to deploy your app on heroku.