- Kubernetes Cluster (e.g 1 Master, 2 Workers)
- Docker
Pull image on worker node(s)
sudo docker pull xinfinorg/quorum:istanbul-tools-k8s
Create genesis as ConfigMap
kubectl create -f XinFin-K8S/genesis-configmap.yaml
Create nodekeys as secret (base64 encoded)
kubectl create -f XinFin-K8S/secret-minernode.yaml
Pre-provision volumes for our nodes to store chaindata (hostpath)
kubectl create -f XinFin-K8S/geth-persistentvolume.yaml
Deploy bootnode
kubectl create -f XinFin-K8S/bootnode-deployment.yaml
Copy bootnode POD_IP using Dashboard or CLI
kubectl proxy
Copy bootnode POD_IP address & update enode address of --bootnodes argument in minernode-statefulset.yaml & membernode-statefulset.yaml (Can be improved to automatically fetch bootnode IP)
Launch minernodes (replicas: 2)
kubectl create -f XinFin-K8S/minernode-statefulset.yaml
Launch membernode (replicas: 1)
kubectl create -f XinFin-K8S/membernode-statefulset.yaml
We have defined 4 validators in extradata field so we need to scale the minernode(s) to start mining.
kubectl scale statefulset minernode --replicas=4
kubectl scale statefulset membernode --replicas=2
Deploy constellation-bootnode which can be used for autodiscovery of other constellation nodes.
kubectl create -f XinFin-K8S/constellation-bootnode-deployment.yaml
kubectl port-forward minernode-0 8545:8545
geth attach http://localhost:8545
To stop the network use "delete" instead of "create". (Please note launching a clean network would require manual cleanup of content in /data directory on worker hosts)