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skriptum committed May 3, 2024
1 parent 599b3dd commit fdc5bd0
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Showing 15 changed files with 480 additions and 10 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -857,7 +857,11 @@ subtrees:
title: Marx
- file: vwl6/VL_Sozialismus/
title: Schockindustrie
- file: vwl6/VL_Sozialismus/
title: Soviet Ende
- file: vwl6/VL_Sozialismus/
title: Long Run
- file: vwl6/VL_Sozialismus/
title: ASV Empirie
- file: vwl6/VL_Sozialismus/
57 changes: 56 additions & 1 deletion vwl6/VL_Econometrics/
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Expand Up @@ -14,4 +14,59 @@ $$
wage = \beta_0 + \beta_1 educ+\beta_2 experience + \epsilon

**Interpretation** $\beta_1$ = change in *y* w.r.t $x_1$, holding all other factors fixed

**Assumption** here: $E(u | x_1,x_2) = 0$ :

- u same for all combinations of $x_1, x_2$

## OLS Expected Value


1. parameters ($\beta_i$​) are linear (*variables can be nonlinear*)
2. random sample of population
3. no perfect collinearity
- variables are not constant
- no perfect linearity of variables
- nonlinear functions of same variable are allowed, e.g $y = \beta_0+\beta_1 x + \beta_2 x^2+u$
4. zero conditional mean: $E(u | x_1,x_2,...) = 0$

=> estimate = truth: $E(\hat{ \beta }) = \beta$

### Misspecification

Irrelevant Variables

- no effect on unbiasedness
- effect on variance of OLS-estimator

Omitted Variable Bias

- true model: $y = \beta_0+\beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2$
- our model: $\hat{ y } = \hat{ \beta_1 } + \hat{ \beta_2 } \hat{ \delta }$ (delta = slope between $x_1$ and $x_2$)
- => $Bias(\beta_1) = E(\beta_1)-\beta_1$

## OLS Variance

5th assumption: **Homoskedasticity**

- error *u* = same variance for all given values
- $Var(u | x_1,...) = \sigma^2$

Variance formula

Var (\hat{ \beta_1 }) = \frac{ \sigma^2 }{SST_j(1-R_j^2)}

- SST = total sample variation
- R = R-sqaured
96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions vwl6/VL_Sozialismus/
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@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
# 02.05.2024 Ende der Sowjetunion

## Ch. 10 After Stalin

2. WW: loss of pop and GDP

after 2WW - 1980

- exceptional growth capital stocl
- big increase employment
- some expansion cultivated acreage

after 1980 = slowdown

classical explanation = extensive growht / intensive growth

- institutions not made for efficient combination of output
- system was good for shifting of underused labor surplus
- after full employment = useless

### Weitzman Analysis

- Soviet Model = Cobb Douglas with elasticity of substitution = 0.4 (not one as normal)
- missing technological growth = no longer problem
- but shrinking labor supply
- rapid growth => abrupt slowdown


- Soviet Union Isoquant Figure:
- in 1928: 1% more capital = 0.97 more output (=capital constrained)
- in 1960 = labor and capital both efficient
- in 1980: 1% more labor = 0.8% more output (=labor constrained)
- with better elasticity of substitution = grwoth would go on (similar to Japan)

### Allen analysis

- not EOS problem, but investment

**Reconstruction Investment**

- e.g refitting old factories
- high input needed
- less output growth
- wasteful

Politcal Reasons for reconstruction investment

- employment protection
- provision of housing was trough employer
- believe to be more economic

**Resource Depletion**

- 1970s: western russian resources depleted
- shift to siberia = wasteful + espensive
- resource course
- example: energy (coal)
- coal in west (donezk) depelted
- shift to siberia = more expensive
- solution would have been trade
- but focus in self-suffiency in SU
- no conservation of energy
- soft budget constraint = not rising prices
- lacking monitoring
- no agreement
- no politicaln will for long run investment

poor incentives => not efficient resource use


**classical analysis:** conservative towards new technology

- no in house research, but in institutes
- benefits of technology = only to consumers, not enterprises
- output target = no incetinve to innovate

**Allen analyisis**

- significant research on site (ex. cement industry)
- external factor = arms race
- reallocation to military sector (esp. R&D)
- military-industrial secotr = take all bright heads
- plans did not make sense generally

=> market driven technological change needed

- not one person has to solve problems (like Gorbachev)
- but the market in general
115 changes: 106 additions & 9 deletions vwl6/VL_Sozialismus/
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@@ -1,40 +1,137 @@
# 13.06.2024 Empirie ASV

Leonard Kucik
## Über die Texte

Leonard Kukic

- Assistant Prof: Universitad Madrid
- Topics: Economic History, Eastern Europe



## Wirtschaftsgeshichte Jugoslawiens

- 45-51: Schockindustrialisierung
- wie Sowjetunion
- zentralisiert
- 48-65: eigenes Modell der Zentralplaung
- Entscheidungsfreiheit in Unternehmen
- Arbeiterselbstverwaltung
- softere Targets, keine Kollektivierung
- zentralen Investment-Fond (staatliches Kapital)
- 65-74: Marktsozialismus
- GATT-Beitritt (WTO Pred.)
- Einbindung internationaler Handel
- Arbeiterräte in Firmen
- Banken als Finanziers
- Bewegungsfreiheit / Migrationsphase
- 74-91: Untergang
- Überregulierung
- Backlash gegen Liberalisierung
- Tito stirbt
- ethnische / politische streitigkeiten über Zukunft

## Definitionen

**Solow Modell**

- exogenes long-run growth model
- Cobb Douglas Produktionsfunktion
- grundlage von Growth Accounting (erwähnt in Paper)
- Versuch zu erklären, warum einige Länder arm, andere reich sind
- basierend auf Kapitalstock / Labor Force / Investments etc

**TFP** = Total Factor Productivity

- Effizienz der Verwendung der beiden Produktionsfaktoren in Output
- "Measure of our Ignorance" = was wir nicht messen können
- Institutionen, Culture, Geography, Technology
- insbesondere wichtig, wenn Wirtschaft weiter entwickelt ist

## Paper 1: BCA

Wachstumsfaktoren Analyse mit Business Cycle Accounting

## Socialist growth revisited: insights from Yugoslavia
- neoklassisches wachstumsmodell
- wedges = abweichung vom "perfekten Pfad"
- vergleich mit anderen staaten (Griechenland, USA, ...)


- TFP = insgesmat wichtig für Wachstum
- ab 1980: sinkendes TFP Growth
- besonders relecant aber: labor wedge sinkt

> **Labor wedge:** structure of incentives determining provision of labor
> => interpreted as distortion arising due to increased taxation
sozialistische firma = distorted version of perfectly competitve economy

- European Review of Economic History
- DOI: [10.1093/ereh/hey001](

## Origins of regional divergence: economic growth in socialist Yugoslavia


Grund für Labor Wedge: 1965 Reform

- The Economic History Review
- DOI: [10.1111/ehr.12967](
- maximize income per worker
- wage rate above market rate
- less investment
- restrict labor entry (like strong unions?)

Kritik / Gedanken
## Paper 2: Divergence

> **(Solow)-Convergence** (Conditional)
> - Tendenz dass sich arme Länder höhere Wachstumsrate haben
> - sich reichen damit annähern (Catch Up Growth)
> - typisches Beispiel: Südstaaten Nordstaaten USA

reichere Regionen

- höheres Ausgangsniveau = Vergangenheit in Austro-ungarn
- und dann auch noch mehr Wachstum


## Rolle des Ölschocks

externer Schock

- balance of payments krise = devisenmangel
- energieineffizienz der Wirtschaft = teuer

=> jugoslawischen Wirtschaft den Todesstoß gegeben

## Kritik / Gedanken

- Finanzielle Unterstützung von *Mercatus Center* (neoliberaler Think Tank)
- gibt dem ganzen ein Geschmäckle
- gibt dem ganzen ein Geschmäckle
- abneigung gegen gewerkschaften / income per worker maximizing

- wie hat der Öl schock andere Länder gebrochen (die kapitalistisch waren)
- bspw. **XX?**
- wenn 1965 reformen wichtig für downfall waren, warum dann erst ab 71 sichtbar?
- sozialismus = abweichung von perfket competitive economy?


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