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Barat is a linter for localization in Golang projects. Barat check your Toml files for missing keys and duplicate keys. Also, Barat can check your code for missing localization keys.


go install

You can check all flags and helps by using this command:

$ barat lint --help 

Usage: barat lint

Check all toml file for validation and find message keys in code.

  -h, --help                                          Show context-sensitive help.

      --config-path=STRING                            Path to config file.
      --toml-paths=TOML-PATHS,...                     paths to load toml files.
  -e, --exclude-regex-keys=EXCLUDE-REGEX-KEYS,...     exclude keys that match the given regex.
      --map-function-names-to-arg-no=KEY=VALUE;...    it's map of the function's name that returns the message by i18n To number of MessageID in arguments.
      --project-path=STRING                           paths to project for check all files.
      --exclude-folders=EXCLUDE-FOLDERS,...           list of exclude folders for check localization.

How to use Barat

Check your toml files

For check your toml files, you should specify the path to your toml files by --toml-paths flag.

barat lint --toml-paths <path to toml files>, <path to toml files>, ...

You can exclude some keys from checking by adding them to the --exclude-regex-keys flag in your command.

barat lint --toml-paths <path to toml files>, <path to toml files>, ... \

Barat support simple regex for exclude keys. When you use * in part of your regex, it will be replaced with (.*?).

Check your code

If you want to check your code for missing localization keys, you can use this command:

barat lint --toml-paths <path to toml files>, <path to toml files>, ... \
      --exclude-regex-keys="ExcludeKey","key*" \ 
      --project-path <path to your project> \
      --exclude-folders <folder name>, <folder name>, ... \
      --map-function-names-to-arg-no "GetMessages=1;getMessage=0"

We describe the flags in the following table:

Flag Description
--project-path Path to your project. Barat search recursive for .go files.
--exclude-folders Folders that you want to exclude from checking.
--map-function-names-to-arg-no Map function names to argument number of MessageID.

More details about --map-function-names-to-arg-no

In this flag, you can map function names to argument number of MessageID. For example, if you have a function like this:

// GetMessages is function for getting internationalized messages.
func GetMessages(lang string, messageID string, templateData interface{}) (string, error) {
    loc := i18n.NewLocalizer(Bundle, lang)
    return loc.Localize(&i18n.LocalizeConfig{MessageID: messageID, TemplateData: templateData})

You can map this function to argument number 1 by adding this to your command:

--map-function-names-to-arg-no "GetMessages=1"

It's imported to mention that the number of arguments in your function starts from 0.

Run Barat With Config File

You can run Barat with config file. You can create a file named barat.yaml in your project and add your config to it. After creating your config file, you can run Barat with this command:

barat lint --config-path <path to your config file>

Config File

You can use barat.yml in Barat source code as your config file template.

project-path: "./project-path"

  - "./project-path/toml/en"
  - "./project-path/toml/fa"
  - "./project-path/toml/ru"

    - "vendor"
    - "assets"
    - "ToBeExcludedKey1"
    - "KeyToBe*"

  - name: "GetMessage"
    message-id-no: 1

    toml-check: true
    description-check: true
    other-key-check: true
    code-check: true

Most part of the config file was described before. But we describe the options.enable part in the following:

  • toml-check
    • if you set this to false, Barat will not check your toml files.
  • description-check
    • if you set this to false, Barat will not check your toml files for missing descriptions.
  • other-key-check
    • if you set this to false, Barat will not check your toml files for missing other keys.
  • code-check
    • if you set this to false, Barat will not check your code for missing localization keys.

Note: If you use config file, you can't use other flags. If you use other flags, Barat will ignore them.

Help Us

You can contribute to improving this tool by sending pull requests or issues on GitHub.
Please send us your feedback. Thanks!