Tool for slicing, merging and appending to Aurora configuration objects.
const util = require('util')
const { slice, merge } = require('aurora-deep-slice-merge');
let configPage1 = { meta: { title: 'Blabla' },
{ type: 'awesome-app', options:
{ modules:
[ { type: 'awesome-module', options: { a: 5 } },
{ type: 'awesome-module', options: { b: 10 } },
{ type: 'awesome-hom', options: {
[ { type: 'awesome-module', options: { c: 15 } } ] } } ] } } }
let configPage2 = { meta: { title: 'Blabla' },
{ type: 'awesome-app', options:
{ modules:
[ null,
{ type: 'awesome-hom', options:
{ modules:
[ null,
{ type: 'awesome-module', options: { d: 20 } },
{ type: 'awesome-hom', options: {
[ { type: 'awesome-module', options: { e: 25 } },
{ type: 'awesome-module', options: { f: 30 } } ] } } ] } } ] } } }
console.log(util.inspect(merge(configPage1, configPage2)));
{ meta: { title: 'Blabla' },
{ type: 'awesome-app', options:
{ modules:
[ { type: 'awesome-module', options: { a: 5 } },
{ type: 'awesome-module', options: { b: 10 } },
{ type: 'awesome-hom', options:
{ modules:
[ { type: 'awesome-module', options: { c: 15 } },
{ type: 'awesome-module', options: { d: 20 } },
{ type: 'awesome-hom', options:
{ modules:
[ { type: 'awesome-module', options: { e: 25 } },
{ type: 'awesome-module', options: { f: 30 } } ] } } ] } } ] } } }
Append a list of modules to an Aurora configs (shallow).
const util = require('util')
const { append } = require('aurora-deep-slice-merge');
let config = { meta: { title: 'Blabla' },
{ type: 'awesome-app', options:
{ modules:
[ { type: 'awesome-module', options: { a: 5 } },
{ type: 'awesome-module', options: { b: 10 } } ] } } }
let modulesToAppend = [
{ type: 'awesome-hom', options:
{ modules:
[ { type: 'awesome-module', options: { c: 15 } },
{ type: 'awesome-module', options: { d: 20 } },
{ type: 'awesome-hom', options:
{ modules:
[ { type: 'awesome-module', options: { e: 25 } },
{ type: 'awesome-module', options: { f: 30 } } ] } } ] } } ]
console.log(util.inspect(append(config, modulesToAppend)));
{ meta: { title: 'Blabla' },
{ type: 'awesome-app', options:
{ modules:
[ { type: 'awesome-module', options: { a: 5 } },
{ type: 'awesome-module', options: { b: 10 } },
{ type: 'awesome-hom', options:
{ modules:
[ { type: 'awesome-module', options: { c: 15 } },
{ type: 'awesome-module', options: { d: 20 } },
{ type: 'awesome-hom', options:
{ modules:
[ { type: 'awesome-module', options: { e: 25 } },
{ type: 'awesome-module', options: { f: 30 } } ] } } ] } } ] } } }
const { slice, merge, append } = require('aurora-deep-slice-merge');
* Slice a config x from startIndex with a specified amount of elements
slice(x, startIndex, amount)
* Merge config x and y
merge(x, y)
* Append list of modules to config x
append(x, list)
With npm/github do:
npm install soldotno/aurora-deep-slice-merge