Readibl 0.95 for Linux
Just unpack, place it somewhere in your user-folder.
I prefer to start the app from a terminal, so that the programs status-info can be viewed.
So to run the executable "flashread" firstly open a terminal, then go to the readibl-folder and enter:
To access the web-server you just started, click on or type in your browser: http://localhost:5050/flashread-form
If the app is started from a folder where the application does NOT reside (like so: path/to/readibl/flashread), path-problems will occur. This may apply when you want to start the app together with the OS-startup. In that case you need to adjust and start up from flashread_sh (like so: path/to/readibl/flashread_sh)
But if you use flashread_sh, then update it with the path of you readibl-dir.
For the changes see mostfiles/what-is-new.txt