This is an open repository for an experiment made in collaboration between Molamil and SPACE10. It explores what perception means to a computer and how it functions. A mixed AR and VR experience, we hacked Google Cardboard for mobile and used the front-facing camera as the eyes of the computer.
Want to try the experiment yourself? Download the source files here and get started below.
Build in Unity 2018.3.0f2.
The project includes and PolyToolkit SDK's. Feel free to update them.
To run the project, open the scene: Assets/_project/main
You need to create and insert 3 keys:
- Google Vision
- Google Poly
Create and download your 6D key and place it in Assets/Plugins/iOS/SixDegreesSDK.plist
To get a key you must create a 6D developer profile. You can read more here:
Generate a key for Google Vision and paste it into the AR Camera object in the at the script called "Texture To Cloud Vision".
Inside Assets/PolyToolkit/Resources/PtSettings
you need to select "Runtime" and paste in your own API key for Google Poly. Read more here:
For the sake of our prototype, we bought the Hololens Shader pack off the Unity asset store, which let us easily create the dotted surfaces. It is obviously not included in this package. Feel free to buy it and only import their shaders. They are nice.
Now you should be able to build the project to an iPhone. We recommend running the project on an iPhone 8 or newer.
While the experiment is fully capable of running without it, we encourage you to purchase a Google Cardboard and fit it to your own phone, cutting a whole for the front-facing camera. That way the experience becomes truly embodied and more immersive.
- In XCode, if you get "unexpected duplicate task: CodeSign", then go to Build Phases and fold out Embed Frameworks and remove the extra SixDegreesSDK.framework if there are more than 1
- In XCode, if you get "library not found for -lGTMSessionFetcher", then it's because you are using Google Cardboard for VR, so it has nothing to do with To fix it, you simply open the .xcworkspace file in stead of .xcodeproj