This is a node js based CLI tool that provides information about upcoming popular programming contests on various popular websites.
This tool uses
- kontest api for information
- commander for managing user-input
- chalk and figlet for UI
At first clone the repository by pasting the following command in your powershell
window then press enter
git clone
Now open powershell
/ command prompt
or windows teminal
in the cloned folder (you can press and hold shift key and then click the right mouse button to open powershell in current directory)
Now paste the following code in powershell window and press enter
npm install
Now the tool is ready to use but the tool will only work in the current folder, to use it global paste the folllowing code in terminal
/ powershell
/ cmd
and then press enter
npm link
contests [options]
-V or --version | for current version
-a or --all | Shows infomation about all the upcoming contests
-h or --help | lists all available commands
-cf or --codeforces | Shows infomation about all the upcoming contests on Codeforces
-lc or --leetcode | Shows infomation about all the upcoming contests on Leetcode
-tc or --topcoder | Shows infomation about all the upcoming contests on Top Coder
-ac or --atcoder | Shows infomation about all the upcoming contests on At Coder
-cs or --csacademy | Shows infomation about all the upcoming contests on CS Academy
-hr or --hackerrank | Shows infomation about all the upcoming contests on Hackerrank
-he or --hackerearth | Shows infomation about all the upcoming contests on Hackerearth
-ks or --kickstart | Shows infomation about all the upcoming contests on Google Kickstart
-cc or --codechef | Shows infomation about all the upcoming contests on Codechef
- Get information about the contests of a particular site
contests -cf
contests --codeforces
- Get information about multiple contests of specific websites at once
contests --codeforces --codechef --leetcode
It will be very good if these features can be implemented in this app -
- Filter the contests according to a provided date
- Show the output data in table format
- Give it a good name XD
So, if you can add any of these features(not the last one XD) or find a new bug then please create a new issue.