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Image by catalyststuff on Freepik


API that allows for invoices to be managed in a backend system

Preprequisites (installed once)

For Mac/Linux:

brew install docker

Install Docker Desktop:

brew install nvm
nvm install 20.9.0
nvm use 20.9.0 && nvm alias default 20.9.0`
npm i -g yarn

Some database tool e.g. DBeaver, TablePlus etc. or some Postgres cli e.g. brew install pgcli

Some code editor e.g. VSCode.

For Windows: same prereq but installed with chocolatey or regular installers


$ yarn install

If you use different node version you can do yarn install --ignore-engines

Run the app locally

docker compose -f ./docker/postgresql.yml up -d
yarn typeorm migration:run -d ./db/typeorm.config.ts
yarn seed:db
yarn start:dev
docker compose -f ./docker/postgresql.yml down

After yarn start:dev you can open http://localhost:3000/graphql and call queries or mutations.

To run tests

docker compose -f ./docker/postgresql.yml up -d
yarn typeorm migration:run -d ./db/typeorm.config.ts
yarn seed:db
yarn test
docker compose -f ./docker/postgresql.yml down

Or simply run yarn test:script

*creation of data for tests could be integrated in before of tests and cleanup in after, but for simplicity we can create db and delete it after test run

Migrations commands for devs

Create or generate migration:

yarn typeorm migration:generate -d ./db/typeorm.config.ts ./db/migrations/init

yarn typeorm migration:create ./db/migrations/data

Run to test it:

yarn typeorm migration:run -d ./db/typeorm.config.ts

Revert if needed:

yarn typeorm migration:revert -d ./db/typeorm.config.ts


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