We use image recognition and web development to assist dog and cat lovers to find/buy/sell their favorite pets.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
python2 (or 3)
mysqlclient (python)
Everything can be installed via pip except for mysql.
First we need to create our database. The default database name the code will look for is "petdatabase", so create a database with that name (Feel free to use other name but make sure you will also modify the code)
After creating the database, migrate the models:
python manage.py migrate
Now go back to mysql shell and insert the data:
use petdatbase;
source /link/to/petdatabase.sql;
and then check the table:
select petName from pet_pet;
It should give you 94 rows.
Now we can deploy the system on local host:
python manage.py runserver
and enjoy exploring the site.
- We have not published our image dataset yet, so there is only information details available on pet pages. You can create your own image dataset and insert them to table pet_petgallery.
- If you use python2 you need to rename the str function in models.py to unicode to ensure the data will be displayed correctly in some pages.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details