is currently not available on pip, to install it run
$ pip install git+https://github.com/teaishealthy/discord_remote_auth
import asyncio
import webbrowser
from discord_remote_auth import RemoteAuth, PendingRemoteInit
auth = RemoteAuth()
async def pending_remote_init(fingerprint: PendingRemoteInit):
# Scan this with your phone
async def finish(token: str):
print(token) # Either get the token here or
# here
token = asyncio.run(auth.auth())
This example will open your default webbrowser and show you a QR code to scan with your phone, once you have scanned the code, the access token will be printed.
Luna for the unofficial-api-docs
Vap0r1ze for https://github.com/Vap0r1ze/discord-remote-auth which has helped as a reference for discord's encryption