There are two sets of tasks that this library handles. One is setting up the database itself and the other to query the database.
- Prepocessing:
- Please refer to the two Jupyter Notebooks (Berkeley.ipynb and WL.ipynb) for detailed step-by-step istructions. The final outputs can be seen at ./prepocessing/final_edges .
- Generating the R-Tree:
- After copying an edge_final_{WL/Berkeley}.txt file to ./tests and changing test_datainsert.cpp to reflect which file is in the directory (hardcoded), run ./; ./test_datainsert . This builds the R-Tree in base.db.
- Generate Indices:
- Hash Index: First set the file locations for the TID file and Indirection File as obtained from the previous step by calling: include/edge.h: void setFileLocs(std::string tidf, std::string off). Then make a call to src/hashIndex: void genIndex() to generate the index files. A test run can be found in tests/ (g++ -std=c++14; ./a.out)
There are two APIs, one for named queries and one for coordinate queries. The named query API at api/ and the coordinate query API is at api/ The function names describe the type of query accurately. The output of the functions are as follows:
SSSP: Returns a vector of Edges. The first Edge is a dummy edge which stores the distance between the soruce and destination as its TID, followed by edges from source to destination.
KNN: Returns a K-sized vector of vector of Edges. For each vector, the first Edge is a dummy edge which stores the distance between the soruce and destination as its TID, followed by edges from source to target type.
Range: Returns a variable sized vector of vector of Edges. The size depends on the number of hits of the type. For each vector, the first Edge is a dummy edge which stores the distance between the soruce and destination as its TID, followed by edges from source to target type.
To test named queries compile and run (g++ -std=c++14; ./a.out).
To test point-to-point queries compile and run (g++ -DDEBUG -std=c++14 ../src/ -I ../; ./a.out).
Please note, the points and names are hardcoded.