(c) 2013 Lukas Klinzing RequireLoaded may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
currently depends on URI.js
RequireLoaded is a tiny library that gives you the ability to execute your unsorted script files only if you need it, while it expects, that they already have been loaded. So it does NOT load script files from your server, but expects that they are already in place. This is usefull if you have some libraries on the server, that already do the loading, minifing, etc..
- executes defined code only when required
- you dont have to sort your files. You could just do on the server something like "Give me all *.js files in this folder and print them as script-tags".
- supports circular references [1]
- does NOT load anything from server is usefull when your complete code is returned by the server
- depends on URI.js to enable correct behavior
[1] somehow... if A has a reference to B and B has a reference to A there are no problems, until you use B in A or A in B within the require life-cycle. The lifecylce does load A => B => A. While in B, you get a reference to A, but as A has not loaded yet, because it waits for B, your reference will be empty until A has loaded too. Therefore it is good practice to use your references when your code actually runs. Of course if you know that there are no circular references you can skip all this :)
define("app", function(exports, require) {
var dep = require("data/dep");
//dont use this, as info **might** not exist yet
var info = dep.info();
//here you are quite safe...
exports.init = function() {
var info = dep.info();
@param path the path e.g "core/config"
@param fn the function to execute when required
a commonjs-like "define" function that caches the results. the callback function that executes the code must implement the two arguments "exports" and "require". The callback will be called only once and only when required.
common usage:
define("app", function(exports, require) {
var config = require("core/config");
var mvc = require("core/mvc");
exports.init = function() {
var router = new mvc.Router();
var app = require("app");
@param path the relative path to the requested file
so if you require "app/core" from within the code
defined as "app/app" you have to require "./core" or "core"
@return object an object literal that contains all exported members
a commonjs-like require function that loads the required code and returns it. the path you specify must be relative.
// a module named "core" defined in virtual folder "data"
define("data/core", () ...)
// a module named "core" defined in virtual folder "app"
define("app/core", function(exports, require) {
// to get "data/core" you have to use "../data/core" to get it
// as you call it from within the virtual directoroy "app"
var data = require("../data/core");