Python program to convert serial traffic to MQTT and vice versa.
Serial data arrives as comma delimited in the following form (comma delimited, colons separate MQTT topic and message): [sending_node_number],[topic]:[message],[topic]:[message] using the topic and message from the serial read, the MQTT topics are updated: sensors/</[sending_node_number]/[topic] [message]
MQTT topic sensors/>/# is subscribed to. MQTT Topics should be: sensors/>/[nodeid] [message] Any new data is sent to serial as: [nodeid]:[message] Which the attached arduino broadcasts over the wireless network. Anything destined for node 1 (the gateway ardunio) is written to serial without sending mode.
Developed for use with Moteinos using a slightly modified gateway sketch (to format serial data as comma delimited).
Primary functionality from Python MQTT client from Eclipse Paho Paho documentation at