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Maven Web application that aggregates educational offerings

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TeachMe is a Maven Web application that can aggregate educational offerings.

Getting started

To build this project, execute:

$ mvn install 

. Deploy to your local wildfly server with (need a local wildfly instance running):

$ mvn wildfly:deploy

Wildfly configuration

You will need to add a new module mysql-connector-java to your wildfly server:

$ wget
$ tar -zxvf mysql-connector-java-5.1.42.tar.gz 
$ mv mysql-connector-java-5.1.42/mysql-connector-java-5.1.42-bin.jar $WILDFLY_HOME/bin/ (eg: /opt/wildfly/bin/)

Start a new instance of wildfly server and then execute:

$ ./ 

Add mysql-connector-java module and database source (


$ data-source add --name=teachme --driver-name=mysql --connection-url=jdbc:mysql:// --jndi-name=java:/jboss/jdbc/teachme --user-name=INSERT USERNAME HERE --password=PASSWORD HERE

$ data-source enable --name=teachme

You might need to edit your persistence.xml file located in src/main/resources folder.