University Project ( Class: Audio Video Coding )
In this class, we were chalenge to try and implement some coding techniques that enabled the compression of files, namely, audio and video ones.
Throughout the semester there were 3 projects:
- Assignment 1
In this assignment, we analyzed different techniques of compression. We started with stereo-to-mono, breezed trough uniform scalar quantization and ended with vector quantization compression, namely, implementing the Linde-Buzo-Grey Algorithm. We were able to compare the different methods with the help of signal-to-noise ratio analysis. Finally, we drew some conclusions about these lossy compression methods. Their impacts on sound quality and the amount of space that they are able to save.
- Assignment 2
In this assignment, we discuss some lossy compression techniques and some hybrids solution, for audio. Adjacent to this is the utilization of Golomb Codes. To note the implementation of a lossless audio codec similar to FLAC and a lossy one based on quantization of the previous implementation.
- Assignment 3
In this assignment, we developed a full Video Codec.
To see more details about any of the assignments see the report on the report folder.