Generate Entity-Relationship Diagrams from PostgreSQL by PlantUML, DBML-renderer, ERAlchemy, Graphviz.
- PostgreSQL*
- graphviz==2.49.0
- dbml-renderer==1.0.27
- plantuml (specific version present in the repository)
- npm==9.6.7
- node==v18.17.0
- Java Runtime Environment*
To download repository:
git clone
Install Graphviz for your version of Windows by following this link:
Install Graphviz on Linux:
sudo apt-get install graphviz libgraphviz-dev
pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo npm install -g @softwaretechnik/dbml-renderer
python --host HOST --port PORT --user USER --password PASSWORD \
--db_name DB_NAME --schema_name SCHEMA_NAME --engine ENGINE --direction DIRECTION --output_path PATH
DIRECTION, ENGINE and PATH are optional arguments.
Available engines:
- 'plantuml'
- 'eralchemy'
- 'dbml-r'
- 'dot-r'
You can not specify engine, then you will get diagrams generated by all available methods.
Available direction:
If you are not satisfied with the location of the blocks on the diagram, change their location by adding the argument DIRECTION = '2'. If you need to save image in specific folder, add an argument PATH with a path.