Large Computations Market based on zero-knowledge proofs. The core algorithm is based on Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge (SNARKs) generations and verification in EVM based smart contracts.
Zero-Knowledge proofs are suitable for large computation problems, because we can quickly and on-chain verify wheter a given solution is correct or wrong. It could also give more flexibility to the Problem Solver and protect him from front-running.
- Solution Seeker X wants to find the answer of Large Computation Problem.
- X generates a verifier contract and deploys it
- The verifier contract is funded by X with some amount that will be used for potential reward
- The Problem desciption is posted on ZkComputations UI app
- Problem Solver Y tries to solve the big computation problem
- If Y finds the solution then Y generates the proof off-chain using zokrates
- Y send transaction to Verifier Contract containing the proof and withdraws half of the amount
- Y is insentivized to reveal the actual solution to X (via email or on-chain) in order to receive the rest of the reward
- X can verify the actual solution and then send the extraReward to Y, otherwise his rating goes down and money are locked forever
- If X and Y finish the flow end to end this constitutes a Nash equilibrium,
curl -LSfs | sh
# Set export path
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/tima_t/.zokrates/bin
cd zokrates-contracts/prime-numbers
# compile
zokrates compile -i primes.zok
# perform the setup phase
zokrates setup
# export a solidity verifier
zokrates export-verifier
# execute the program
zokrates compute-witness -a 1087
# generate a proof of computation
zokrates generate-proof
# or verify natively
zokrates verify
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev
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