Quick search history and bookmark url. Filter history by website , time and custom search term. Filter bookmark by folder name , url and url-title
- In input box : You can search with anything which can be matched either with URL or page title
- The recent websites will be shown in the website filter box. If you filter with the website, search term will be applied only for selected website.
- In browser history list - by default, today's result will be shown but you can filter with the current or past weeks.
- You will have a flexible option to select the number of records you want to see.
- From the search result, you can click on the URL title to visit the link.
- URL itself will be shown if the URL does not have the page title.
- Website favicon will be shown to identify the website easily.
- You can remove all of your unnecessary URLs from both history and bookmarks.
- You can remove all the visible URLs or a single URL.
- Remove button’s label will be super interactive to tell how many records you have selected .
- For browser history, you will see the exact date and time of your last visit.
- For bookmarks, you can search with both URL and folder name. You can see your bookmarked URL's folder hierarchy.