FitLife is a React/Ruby based health activity website. The application uses a background worker to fetch from the Fitbit API to populate an up to date database of all user acitivity. Users can sign up and navigate through website to see activity log, follow friends, and challenges themselves.
Meaghan Conroy, Chris Casella, and Ryan Torrance
Heroku link:
Features: As a user you have the ability * * * * * *
As an admin you have the ability * * *
Technologies incorporated:
- Ruby version 2.3.3 (Rails framework)
- React
- Ruby on Rails 5.1.1
- Foundation for styling
- Devise for user interaction
- ActiveRecord for database maintenance
- Yelp API integration (through fetch requests)
- RSpec/Capybara for testing suite
- Karma/Enzyme for testing React.
- Github for collaboration
- Heroku for deployment