Automating Individual Event Pages.
- General site content/structure is pretty much finished
- Tree images are obtained from the Google Drive folder (by tree name)
- Loading/using event data from database is mostly done. Just need to test/tune.
is the server script that fetches data from the database, processes it, and dumps it into a pickle file
to send in the relevant data to populate the HTML template based on the school name appended to the URL.
- TODO: Figure out typeform photos
- Github actions is configured to automatically deploy the Flask app on Elastic Beanstalk whenever a new change is pushed to the main branch. See workflow/deployment progress in Github "Actions" tab.
- TODO: Add tests to run during workflow to prevent deployment if site has problems.
Current state of this repo automatically deployed here(temporarily terminated environment while site is being connected to test data)- Test with school examples from test data:
has sponsor example/andover
(missing event date and tree goals, but has tree species, one host, youtube video)/oakland%20tech-east%20bay
(missing event date and tree goals, but has tree species, multiple hosts, text message)/deerfield
(has event date, tree goals)