prototype for TrueChain hybrid consensus Refer to:
Refer to trueconsensus/
for further instructions
Variable | Meaning |
tx | a transaction |
l | sequence number of a transaction within each BFT instance |
LOG | the totally ordered log each node outputs, LOG is always populated in order |
log | log of one BFT instance, referred to as daily log |
log[l : l′] |
transactions numbered l to l′ in log |
log[: l] |
`log[1 : l]`` |
λ |
security parameter |
α |
adversary’s fraction of hashpower |
δ |
network’s maximum actual delay |
∆ |
a-priori upper bound of the network’s delay (typically loose) |
csize | committee size, our protocol sets csize := λ |
th | th := ⌈csize/3⌉ , a threshold |
lower(R), upper(R) | lower(R) := (R − 1)csize + 1, upper(R) := R · csize |
chain | a node’s local chain in the underlying snailchain protocol |
chain[: −λ] |
all but the last λ blocks of a node’s local chain |
MinersOf(chain[s : t]) |
the public keys that mined each block in chain[s : t]. It is possible that several public keys belong to the same node. |
{msg}pk−1 |
a signed message msg, whose verification key is pk |
Tbft | liveness parameter of the underlying BFT scheme |