Puppet module to manage Druid based on the Imply.io stack. This module manage all the Druid daemons and Pivot.
Some modifications will be implemented to support the Druid.io version in a near future.
This module will deploy the Imply.io tarball (See: http://imply.io/download) and will give you the possibility to start the different Druid services but also Pivot.
More information about the Imply.io bundle here: http://imply.io.
Files managed by this module:
- Deploy the imply tarball using Archive: puppet-archive
- Modify configuration in (by default):
- Manage all Druid and Pivot services:
If asked, the module will also deploy Java and Nodejs.
Deploy the version 1.1.0 of the Imply bundle:
class { 'druid':
imply_version => '1.1.0'
If you also want to install Java:
class { 'druid':
install_java => true,
By default, the package 'openjdk-8-jdk' from the PPA ppa:openjdk-r/ppa' will be deployed. You can override this configuration.
Configure a Master node:
class { 'druid': }
class { 'druid::coordinator': }
class { 'druid::overlord': }
Configure a Data node:
class { 'druid': }
class { 'druid::middle_manager': }
class { 'druid::historical': }
Configure a Query node:
class { 'druid': }
class { 'druid::broker': }
class { 'druid::pivot': }
By default the class druid::pivot
will not deploy Nodejs. You can use another Puppet module to deploy it before starting Pivot or use the install_nodejs
class { 'druid::pivot':
install_nodejs => false,
Here is an example with MySQL as a Metadata Storage and Statsd emitter for the performance metrics:
class { 'druid':
java_classpath_extensions => [
common_config => {
'extensions' => {
'localRepository' => 'dist/druid/extensions-repobla',
'coordinates' => [],
'metadata' => {
'storage' => {
'type' => 'mysql',
'connector' => {
'connectURI' => 'jdbc:mysql://db.example.com:3306/druid',
'user' => 'foo'
'password' => 'bar',
'emitter' => 'statsd',
'emitter.statsd.hostname' => 'localhost',
'emitter.statsd.port' => 8125,
Deploy the coordinator with some specific configuration:
class { 'druid::coordinator':
config => {
'coordinator' => {
'period' => 'PT30S',
'period.indexingPeriod' => 'PT900S',
This module allows one to optionally add a second log4j2 appender that writes to a json_lines enabled logstash TCP socket (using https://github.com/DNSBelgium/log4j-jsonevent-layout)
class { 'druid':
logstash_server => 'log-endpoint.server.rocks',
logstash_port => 4561,
logstash_user_fields => "servertype:druid, ip:${::ipaddress}",
It is recommended to add:
to your jvm options when using the logstash output so as to avoid blocking.
Fetch and deploy the Imply.io tarball.
This class will also deploy the Druid common configuration. See: Configuring Druid
Parameters within druid
Version of the Imply.io tarball to deploy. See: http://imply.io/download
Default: 1.2.1
Define the installation method. For now, only tarball is supported.
Default: tarball
Where to deploy the tarball
Default: /opt
Name of the destination link
Default: imply
If true, the module will try to install Java. This parameter is used with java_ppa
and java_package
For the moment, only Debian link distribution are supported.
Default: false
Define the name of the Ubuntu PPA which will be used to deploy Java
Requirement: $osfamily == Debian
Default: ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
Package name of Java
Default: openjdk-8-jdk
Java Home directory
Default: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
Druid configuration directory
Default: /opt/imply/conf/druid
Druid distribution directory
Default: /opt/imply/dist/druid
Druid username
Default: druid
Druid group name
Default: druid
If true, the module will start the Druid services and restarts them when configuration changes are applied
Default: true
Define where Druid will find all the JAR
Default: /opt/imply/dist/druid/lib/*
Define the list of Java extensions to load at the Druid services start
Example, If you want to use MySQL as your metadata storage:
- 'io/druid/extensions/mysql-metadata-storage/0.8.2/mysql-metadata-storage-0.8.2.jar'
- 'mysql/mysql-connector-java/5.1.34/mysql-connector-java-5.1.34.jar'
Default: []
Log directory
Default: /var/log/druid
Hash defining the Druid Common configuration
See: http://druid.io/docs/latest/configuration/index.html
Default: {}
Hostname or IP of a logstash server listening for json_lines via TCP. Enables the appender when defined.
Default: undef
Port for the above server.
Default: 4561
String of key:value pairs separated by commas. Allows one to define custom fields in the json being sent to logstash.
Ex: "hostname:druidbox01, region:us-east-1"
Default: ''
Each Druid Node (See http://druid.io/docs/latest/design/design.html) has its own Puppet class.
Each of these classes will use the Puppet Type druid::node
to define the configuration and the daemon to start.
Parameters within druid::coordinator,
Name of the Druid Node
Default: name of the class. For druid::coordinator, $service == 'coordinator'
Listening host of the Druid Node
Default: localhost
Listening port of the Druid Node
Default: 8083
Java options for the Java daemon
Default: []
Hash defining the configuration of the Druid Node
Default: {}
This class will deployed and configure pivot.
Parameters within druid::pivot`:
String setting the home directory for the imply-ui distribution
Default: /opt/imply/dist/imply-ui
String setting the configuration directory of the imply-ui distribution
Default: /opt/imply/conf/pivot
Hash defining the configuration of the state storage options for the imply-ui
Default: {}
Port of Pivot
Default: 9095
Broker host used by Pivot
Default: localhost:8082
Print logs to stdout
Default: true
Enable file logging
Default: true
Location for Pivot log files
Default: /var/log/pivot
Location for Pivot license source
Default: undef
Max number of worker processes
Default: 0
If true, use a segment metadata query instead of a GET request to /druid/v2/datasources to determine datasource dimensions and metrics.
Default: false
Check for new dataSources periodically. Set to 0 to disable background introspection
Default: 0
Checks for new dataSources every time Pivot is loaded
Default: false
If true, the module will install NodeJS
Default: false
Version of NdeJS to install
Default: latest
This module has only been tested with Ubuntu 14.04 and Puppet 3.8.x but should work with any other Linux distribution.
Since the module uses a Launchpad PPA if java_ppa
is not set as undef
, you will have to change the default value if you are not on Debian-like OS.