MovizKMP is a multi-platform mobile application built using Kotlin Multi-Platform. The app is developed for both Android and iOS platforms using the same codebase, which provides an efficient and cost-effective way to develop mobile apps for different platforms.
The app allows users to browse through trending movies and navigate to movie details page.
- Compose Multiplatform Jetpack Compose for Desktop and Android, and SwiftUI for iOS were used for UI development.
- Ktor Ktor is a Kotlin Multiplatform Networking library used for making HTTP requests to the RESTful API.
- Kotlinx Serialization Kotlin serialization library used for parsing JSON responses from the API.
- Decompose + KRouter A unidirectional Kotlin Multiplatform state management library used for managing the app's state. A lightweight Kotlin Multiplatform router library used for navigating between different screens.
To run the app locally, you need to have Android Studio & Xcode installed on your machine.
Use KDoctor to check if you have all things setup.
We welcome contributions to the project. To contribute, please follow the steps below:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature/fix.
- Make your changes and commit them with descriptive commit messages.
- Push your changes to your forked repository.
- Create a pull request to the main repository.