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PGSXplorer is a bioinformatics workflow designed to calculate polygenic scores by processing genomic data through quality control steps. Optionally, it can utilize tools such as PLINK, PRSice-2, LD-Pred2 (grid), LD-Pred2 (auto), Lassosum2, PRS-CSx, and MUSSEL. The workflow requires genomic files in PLINK format (.bed, .bim, .fam) and GWAS summary statistics for two different populations as input to complete the analysis.

You can try PGSXplorer with the sample data set in the Target folder and compare the output with your own data. This dataset is generated using HAPNEST with default parameters and is for a European population of 1000 people.

PGSXplorer Diagram

Workflow Overview

PGSXplorer includes a comprehensive pipeline that begins with rigorous quality control (QC) measures to ensure the integrity of genomic data. Following the completion of the QC module, users can optionally execute various polygenic score (PGS) calculation tools. The steps are as follows:

Workflow Overview

PGSXplorer includes a comprehensive pipeline that begins with rigorous quality control (QC) measures to ensure the integrity of genomic data. Following the completion of the QC module, users can optionally execute various polygenic score (PGS) calculation tools. The steps are as follows:

1. Filtering Missing SNPs: Identify and remove SNPs with missing genotype data.
2. Filtering Missing Individuals: Exclude individuals with excessive missing genotype data.
3. Filtering by Minor Allele Frequency (MAF): Retain SNPs above a certain MAF threshold.
4. Visualization of MAF Distributions: Graphical representation of MAF across SNPs.
5. Filtering by Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE): Remove SNPs that deviate significantly from HWE.
6. Visualization of HWE Distributions: Visual display of HWE p-values for SNPs.
7. Relatedness Checking: Assess genetic relatedness between individuals.
8. Visualization of Identity by Descent (IBD): Visualize IBD statistics to identify related individuals.
9. Heterozygosity Assessment: Evaluate heterozygosity rates to identify potential outliers.
10. Visualization of Heterozygosity Distributions: Plot distribution of heterozygosity rates.
11. Removal of Duplicate SNPs: Eliminate duplicated SNPs to prevent redundancy.
12. Calculating 10 Principal Components (PCA): Perform PCA to capture population structure.
13. Pruning and Thresholding (P+T): Execute P+T method using PLINK to calculate PGS.
14. PRSice-2: Calculate and visualize PGS using PRSice-2.
15. LD-Pred2-grid : Apply LD-Pred2 grid model for PGS estimation.
16. LD-Pred2-auto : Apply LD-Pred2 auto model for PGS estimation.
17.Lassosum2 : Apply Lassosum2 for PGS estimation.
18. PRS-CSx: Implement PRS-CSx for multi-ancestry PGS.
19. MUSSEL: Utilize MUSSEL for multi-ancestry PGS estimation.


This repository hosts a Dockerized version of the PGSXplorer pipeline, making it easy to run the entire analysis environment in a consistent and repeatable manner. With Docker, users can quickly get the pipeline up and running without worrying about software dependencies or compatibility issues. To get started, make sure Docker is installed on your system, pull the Docker image, and then run the Nextflow pipeline using the Docker profile. The Docker image includes all the necessary tools and configurations for smooth execution.

First of all, clone the repository

git clone
cd /PGSXplorer

Then, pull the docker image

docker pull tutkuyaras/pgsxplorer_image

Then, you can run basically with following command:

nextflow run -profile docker

In order for PGSXplorer to work correctly, you must first examine the parameters of the quality control steps and the polygenic score calculation tools you want to run and start the analysis with the appropriate command. You can also access the parameters given below by running the command

nextflow run --help


    // Help Flag
    --help = false

    Required Arguments:
    target = "$PWD/target/"
    target_prefix = "$PWD/target/target"  // Prefix of PLINK format target data
    pheno_file = "$PWD/target/phenotype_file_t2.txt"  // Default phenotype file
    gwas_sumstat = "$PWD/target/GWAS_sumstat_t1.txt"  // Default GWAS summary statistics file
    Optional Arguments: 
    // Quality Control Parameters
    --mind                  Threshold value to delete SNPs with missingness (Default: 0.02)
    --geno                  Threshold value to delete individuals with missingness (Default: 0.02)
    --maf                   Threshold value for minimum MAF frequencies of SNPs (Default: 0.05)
    --hwe_case              Threshold value for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium for controls (Default: 1e-6)
    --hwe_ctrl              Threshold value for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium for cases (Default: 1e-10)
    --indep_window_size     The window size (Default: 100)
    --indep_step_size       The number of SNPs to shift the window at each step (Default: 5)
    --indep_threshold       The multiple correlation coefficient for a SNP being regressed on all other SNPs simultaneously. (Default: 0.2)
    --pihat                 The default threshold 0.1875 represents the half-way point between 2nd and 3rd degree relatives (Default: 0.1875)
    --relatedness           The same threshold with pihat value (Default: 0.1875)
    --pca                   Number of principal components to compute (Default: 10 )
    --pheno_file            Name of the phenotype file located under the target folder
    // PGS Parameters
    --run_plink             Run the PLINK part of the workflow if set to true
    --run_prsice            Run the PRSice-2 part of the workflow if set to true
    --run_pca               Run the PCA part of  the workflow if set to true, cretaes ".eigenvec" file
    --run_LDpred2grid       Run the LDPred2 Grid Model of the workflow if set to true
    --run_LDpred2auto       Run the LDPred2 Auto Model of the workflow if set to true
    --run_Lassosum2         Run the Lassosum2 model of the workflow, default = true
    --run_prscsx            Run the PRScsx of the workflow, default = true
    --run_mussel            Run the MUSSEL of the workflow if set to true, default = false
    // PRS-Csx parameters
    --prsice_script         Path to the PRSice R script
    --prsice_executable     Path to the PRSice executable
    --prscsxref_dir         Path to PRScsx reference panel, could be UKBB or 1KG
    --prscsx_gwas1          1st GWAS sum stat for PRScsx analysis
    --prscsx_gwas2          2nd GWAS sum stat for PRScsx analysis
    --n_gwas1               Sample size for GWAS1
    --n_gwas2               Sample size for GWAS2
    --pop1                  Ancestry of 1st Gwas sum stat, could be AFR,AMR,EAS,EUR,SAS
    --pop2                  Ancestry of 2nd Gwas sum stat, could be AFR,AMR,EAS,EUR,SAS
    --phi                   Global shrinkage parameter phi, fixing phi to 1e-2(for highly polygenic traits) or 1e-4(for less polygenic tratits)
    --meta                  Return combined SNP effect sizes across populations using  inverse variance weighted meta-analysis of population-specific posterior effect size estimates. Default is True.
    --out_name              Specify output prefix, e.g 'sample_ukbb_meta'

    // MUSSEL parameters
    --pack                  Path to MUSSEL folder
    --data                  Path to MUSSEL data
    --LDref                 Path to LDref folder for MUSSEL module
    --sst                   Path to summary statistic data files for MUSSEL module
    --pop                   Used populations for MUSSEL module, could be EUR, AFR, AMR, EAS or SAS
    --mussel_chrom          Specify the chromosomes to be analyzed by MUSSEL module , by default all chromosomes are analyzed
    --bfile_tuning          Path to PLINK binary input file prefix for tuning of MUSSEL module
    --pheno_tuning          Path to phenotype file (PLINK format) for tuning of MUSSEL module
    --covar_tuning          Path to quantitative covariates (PLINK format) for tuning
    --bfile_testing         Path to PLINK binary input file prefix for testing of MUSSEL module
    --pheno_testing         Path to phenotype file (PLINK format) for testing of MUSSEL module
    --covar_testing         Path to quantitative covariates (PLINK format) for testing
    --trait_type            Type of phenotype, continuous or binary for MUSSEL module. Default: continuous
    --NCORES                How many cores to use for MUSSEL modules
    --plink                 path to plink2 for MUSSEL module

    // Output directories
    outdir = "$PWD/outputs"
    graphs = "$PWD/QC_graphs"

Quality Control

Quality control modules consist of seven basic steps which are not optional. It consists of SNP filtering, individual filtering, filtering by MAF, HWE, relatedness, heterozygosity and elimination of duplicate SNPs.
The files obtained after each step are saved in the outputs folder. In addition, the distribution graphs of MAF, HWE, heterozygosity and kinship relationships are also saved in the QC_graphs folder.

Only for quality control module, you can run the pipeline using:

nextflow run --run_prsice false --run_LDpred2grid false --run_LDpred2auto false --run_Lassosum2 false --run_prscsx false --run_mussel false

Single Ancestry PGS Tools

Default parameters were used for the integration of tools that calculate polygenic scores using summary statistics for a single population. PGS calculations for PLINK, PRSice-2, LD-Pred2grid, LD-Pred2-auto and Lassosum2 were defined as default true.
As input;

  • Phenotype file (in binary format) should be given with the --pheno_file parameter, the file format should be as in the example
FID	IID	Phenotype
syn1	syn1	1
syn2	syn2	1
syn3	syn3	1
syn4	syn4	1
syn5	syn5	2
syn6	syn6	2
syn7	syn7	1
syn8	syn8	1
syn9	syn9	2
syn10	syn10	2
syn11	syn11	1
syn12	syn12	2
syn13	syn13	1
syn14	syn14	1
syn15	syn15	2
syn16	syn16	2
  • GWAS summary statistics should also be given with the --gwas_sumstat parameter, the file format should be as in the example
CHR BP 	   SNP     A2 A1 A1_FREQ N     OR       SE 	L95 	U95 	Z_STAT      P   INFO
1 793571 rs11240767 C T 0.19979 9978 1.08025 0.0356268 1.00739 1.15838 2.16671 0.0302568 1
1 817341 rs3131972 G A 0.468882 9978 0.973613 0.028382 0.920932 1.02931 -0.942194 0.346094 1
1 818802 rs3131969 G A 0.393065 9978 1.01116 0.0291602 0.954985 1.07063 0.380434 0.703623 1
1 818954 rs3131967 C T 0.131038 9978 1.0179 0.0418892 0.937665 1.10499 0.423476 0.671948 1
1 825532 rs1048488 T C 0.230908 9978 1.03046 0.0336042 0.964776 1.10061 0.892852 0.371936 1
1 833068 rs12562034 G A 0.0872419 9978 1.02131 0.0501883 0.925629 1.12688 0.420125 0.674394 1
1 841166 rs12124819 A G 0.467529 9978 1.00723 0.0283809 0.952734 1.06485 0.253914 0.799562 1
1 903175 rs4970383 C A 0.223642 9978 0.972941 0.0339555 0.910298 1.0399 -0.807874 0.419163 1
1 917392 rs28587382 G A 0.333834 9978 0.965077 0.0299153 0.910119 1.02335 -1.18827 0.234729 1
1 918574 rs1806509 A C 0.386901 9978 1.04957 0.0292797 0.991033 1.11156 1.65235 0.0984641 1
1 918870 rs7537756 A G 0.0792744 9978 1.08592 0.0521271 0.980451 1.20273 1.58122 0.113827 1
1 922448 rs6694982 A G 0.350972 9978 1.0003 0.0295217 0.944068 1.05989 0.0103257 0.991761 1
1 926428 rs13302982 G A 0.469683 9978 1.02356 0.0284034 0.968133 1.08215 0.819746 0.412361 1
1 927744 rs4040604 T G 0.337693 9978 0.994669 0.0300084 0.937854 1.05492 -0.17814 0.858613 1

NOTE: For PGSXplorer to work correctly, file formats, column order and names must be the same.


PLINK tool was used to calculate PGS with Pruning and Thresholding method and this tutorial was followed.

This section consists of the following modules.

  • ClumpSNPs
  • CreateValidSNPs
  • CreateSNPpvalue
  • CreateRangeList
  • PruneSNPs
  • CalculatePGS

For pruning in PLINK module, indep_window_size = 100, indep_step_size = 5, indep_threshold = 0.2 are defined by default. For example, you can change one or all of them as follows.

nextflow run --indep_window_size 200  

PCA Calculation

In order to use PRSice-2, LD-Pred2 grid, LD-Pred2 auto, LD-Pred2 auto, Lassosum2 PGS models, the .eigenvec file used as covariate is needed. This file is created with the pca module in PGSExplorer. The default pca value is 10. You can change this by using the --pca parameter.


PRSice-2 is a comprehensive software tool for calculating polygenic scores (PGS) by integrating genome-wide association study (GWAS) summary statistics with individual genotype data. It provides flexible options for clustering and thresholding to optimize PGS structure, enabling analysis of genetic susceptibility to various traits and diseases. You can check details from here

LD-Pred2(Grid) & LD-Pred2(Auto) and Lassosum2

LDpred2 is a Bayesian polygenic score (PGS) tool that includes two primary models: LDpred2-grid and LDpred2-auto. LDpred2-grid explores a grid of hyperparameters to find the best-fit PGS model, while LDpred2-auto automatically adjusts parameters based on the data, eliminating the need for predefined hyperparameters. Lassosum2 is another PGS method that applies penalized regression techniques, effectively handling linkage disequilibrium (LD) patterns to improve the prediction accuracy of polygenic scores. You can check details from here

Multi Ancestry PGS Tools

Multi Ancestry PGS Tools

In this section we integrate two tools that improve polygenic prediction power using GWAS data from multiple populations.


PRS-CSx is an advanced polygenic score (PGS) tool that extends PRS-CS to accommodate trans-ancestry genetic data. By leveraging summary statistics from multiple populations, PRS-CSx improves the accuracy and generalizability of polygenic scores across diverse ancestries, making it particularly useful for studies involving multi-ethnic cohorts. You can check details from here.

  • For this tool, GWAS summary statistics for 2 different populations should be used. These populations could be AFR, AMR, EAS, EUR or SAS. These populations should be determined with --prscsx_gwas1 and --prscsx_gwas2 parameters. Populations should be determined with pop1 and pop2 parameters. Lastly populations' size should be determined with n_gwas1 and n_gwas2 parameters.

  • A reference genome is needed to use this tool. You can access and download these reference genomes from PRS-Csx's github page.

  • Also you can choose reference panel for polygenic prediction as UKBB (The UK Biobank) or 1KG (1000 Genome Poject) by following parameter:

nextflow run --ref_dir '$PWD/PRScsx/UKBB'
  • The format of the GWAS summary statistics should be as follows:
SNP	        A1	A2	OR	         P
rs11240767	T	C	0.932267	0.0857218
rs3131972	A	G	0.995723	0.881993
rs1048488	C	T	0.935036	0.0291286
rs12124819	G	A	0.951011	0.113692
rs4040617	G	A	0.961266	0.438928
rs4970383	A	C	0.979289	0.608764
rs13302982	A	G	0.991736	0.775989
rs4040604	G	T	0.996435	0.926046
rs2340587	A	G	0.993043	0.836498
rs28576697	C	T	0.981964	0.701685
rs1110052	T	G	0.994328	0.898852
rs7523549	T	C	0.958352	0.139684
rs3748592	A	G	0.980214	0.667305
rs3748593	A	C	0.999168	0.985898 


PGSXplorer integrates the MUSSEL tool, a software designed for multi-population polygenic score (PGS) estimation. MUSSEL enables the calculation of polygenic risk scores by utilizing summary statistics from multiple populations and provides improved prediction accuracy across different genetic backgrounds. This pipeline including MUSSEL allows for robust PGS analysis, making it suitable for studies involving heterogeneous populations. MUSSEL is defined as default:false in PGSXplorer due to the differences in the datasets it uses. The reference genome datasets you need to use for MUSSEL are also available on the MUSSEL github page.