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A lightweight API to passthrough requests to AWS SDK and create EMR clusters


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EMR Cluster Broker

A lightweight Spring Boot API to pass-through requests to AWS SDK and create EMR clusters. This API is going to be part of the backbone of the architecture in analytical and batch jobs. The API will allow on-demand, opinionated clusters to be launched when required for analytics or regular jobs. Sizes are templated and are found in /src/main/resources/instanceConfigurations.

Future case studies will drive more requirements.


emr-cluster-broker takes advantage of Docker to run the API in a lightweight and portable manner.

How to build

To build the Docker image to a local Docker daemon, run the following from the root of the project.

./gradlew jibDockerBuild

This task can also be added as a dependency on the build by adding the following to your build.gradle.kts file.

./gradlew clean build
docker build --tag dwpdigital/emr-cluster-broker:latest .

To start the image:

docker run -p 8443:8443 -e clusterBroker_awsRegion=<VALUE> -e clusterBroker_amiSearchPattern=<VALUE> -e clusterBroker_amiOwnerIds=<VALUE> -e clusterBroker_emrReleaseLabel=<VALUE> -e clusterBroker_s3LogUri=<VALUE> -e clusterBroker_securityConfiguration=<VALUE> -e clusterBroker_jobFlowRoleBlacklist=<VALUE> -e clusterBroker_jobFlowRole=<VALUE> -e clusterBroker_serviceRole=<VALUE> -e clusterBroker_autoScalingRole=<VALUE> -e clusterBroker_hostedZoneID=<VALUE> dwpdigital/emr-cluster-broker:latest

Ensuring that <VALUE> is replaced with a suitable value for that ConfigKey entry.

Note: the following values will default to the value after he colon, if values aren't passed in - jobFlowRole : cb_job_flow_role, serviceRole : cb_service_role, autoScalingRole : cb_autoscaling_role and hostedZoneID : local.parent_domain_name[local.environment].

Sending API requests

Since #17 the broker only accepts connections over HTTPS.

Submitting a Cluster creation step

To submit a request to the cluster broker for a new cluster the /cluster/submitendpoint needs to be POST-ed to.

Request headers

Header Description
X-correlation-id An identifier which will be entered into the logs to relate multiple log entries together. If not passed in, clusterId will be used.

Request body

The content of the POST request is defined by the CreationRequest class. For example

  "name": "test-cluster",
  "releaseLabel": "emr-5.28.0",
  "serviceRole": "arn:aws:iam::00000000000:role/service_role",
  "jobFlowRole": "arn:aws:iam::00000000000:instance-profile/AE_EMR_EC2_Role",
  "autoScalingRole": "arn:aws:iam::00000000000:role/auto_scaling_role",
  "customInstanceConfig": {
    "ec2SubnetId": "subnet-0000aaaa00a0000a0",
    "useSpotPricing": false,
    "instanceTemplate": "SMALL",
    "keepAlivePostJob": true
  "customEmrConfigs": [
    "classification": "custom-classication",
    "properties": {
      "custom-property": "custom-value"
  "steps": [
      "name": "emr-setup",
      "actionOnFailure": "CONTINUE",
      "jarPath": "s3://s3-bucket-id/jar/prefix"
  "applications": [

Parameter Reference

serviceRole, jobFlowRole and autoScalingRole are optional - exclusion will revert to default values set by the cluster broker.

API Configuration

Although the Cluster Broker uses Spring we want to provide a way of deploying and configuring the application via tools such as Terraform. As a result, we substitute configuration items with a ConfigurationService class that will resolve config via env vars.

Possible configurations known to the app can be found in the ConfigKey enum. If any of these are not present at runtime the app will not fail until the item has been resolved by the service.

API Documentation

Our API follows the Open API specification to gain the benefit of the API self-describing itself, from endpoints and request methods to example responses.


Swagger Annotations in @Controller classes are used to provide the OpenAPI specification for our endpoints.

ReDoc is used to display the OpenAPI specification. This is provided as a static webpage at the root of the server. To see the documentation:


Run Application.kt -> Navigate to https://localhost:8443/
Build Docker container -> Run container & expose port 8443 -> Navigate to https://localhost:<exposed-port>/ 

In Deployed instance

Navigate to root of deployed instance.


The API has two-fold monitoring available to it - both provided via Spring.

Default metrication is handled by Spring Actuator. All endpoints not remapped (See below) can be found on their respective paths under the root /. Some endpoints have been remapped to conform to standards and avoid clashing, refer to /resrouces/ for details on remapped endpoints

Any custom metrication is provided with the help of Spring metrics, whereby a Prometheus compliant endpoint is provided. To expose custom metrics to the prometheus pull api, the PrometheusMetricsService class should be used across the project.


Cluster Broker uses Terraform to handle deployments to AWS Fargate. Terraform code can be found in terraform/deploy.

Note that no .tfvars files should be committed to the repository due to the potential revelation of secrets. See secrets for further information

Deployment Steps

  1. Use make to download variables & interpret Jinja templates (See below)

    make bootstrap
  2. Initialise Terraform

    terraform init
  3. Run Terraform plan and ensure everything is as expected

    terraform plan
  4. Once the plan is assured, apply the changes

    terraform apply


For Terraform to deploy the service, we ned to include information which we do not want to commit. To enable us to use these values in Terraform code we have a variable inside AWS parameter store. Python and Jinja2 are used to download and insert the values into a template and write out the final TF code.

Make is used to download & interpolate variables and create the required .tf files:

$ make bootstrap

The Make file has the following dependencies:

  • Python3 & pip3.
  • Terraform
  • AWS credentials allowing download of the variables from AWS.

Cluster Broker Naming Conventions

Note, not all of this functionality has been implemented in the cluster broker yet, however as it is implemented should follow the standards below

  • EMR Cluster
    • cluster-name-
  • IAM Roles
    • cb--
  • Security Groups
    • cb-
  • DNS Records
    • .
  • Log (bucket path not the bucket itself)
    • s3://path/logs/


A lightweight API to passthrough requests to AWS SDK and create EMR clusters







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