This is an unofficial Python wrapper for the Cryptowatch public Data API. Cryptowatch is a cryptocurrency charting and trading platform owned by Kraken exchange.
- Source code
- Documentation
from cryptowatch.api_client import Client
client = Client()
# get assets
assets = client.get_assets()
# get markets which have btc as base or quote
assets_btc = client.get_assets('btc')
Returns a market's OHLC candlestick data.
This represents a 1-hour candle starting at 1594087200 (Tuesday,
7 July 2020 02:00:00 GMT) and ending at 1602179348 (Thursday,
8 October 2020 17:49:08 GMT).
data = {
'exchange': 'gdax',
'pair': 'btcusd',
'route': 'ohlc',
'params': {
'before': 1602179348,
'after': 1594087200,
'periods': '3600'}
market = client.get_markets(data=data)
For more check out the documentation.