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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


Written with React as a frontend side and Node+Express as a backend side

Preview link : Click

Tech stack:

  • React, React-Router, Styled-components;
  • Node.js, Express, JWT for authorization, cookies for saving auth token;
  • MongoDB for storing user data
  • Firebase for Google Auth and as a cloud storage for uploaded videos and images;


🔷 Frontend:

  • ✅ Make Card component
  • ✅ Add single Video Page. Need to create:
    • ✅ Video Info Section
    • ✅ Comments Section:
      • ✅ Create-comment-form component
      • ✅ Single comment component
    • ✅ Recomendation Sidebar
  • ✅ Add Login page
  • ✅ Refactor Card styles using Props
  • ✅ Add Burger component
  • ✅ Make Nav Sidebar absolute with slide effect
  • ⬜ Be good to do:
    • ✅ Add Overlay when Sidebar is open
    • ➖ Prevent outside click and scroll Sidebar is open
    • ⬜ Make Main page with Cards using Grid-flow instead of Flexbox
  • ⬜ Reduce styles by creating reusable UI-Components (need to determine)

🔶 Backend:

  • ✅ Make basic config and routes setup
  • ✅ Make models:
    • ✅ VideoModel
    • ✅ UserModel
    • ✅ CommentModel
  • ✅ Authentication with JWT and cookies
  • ✅ Auth verification middleware
  • ⬜✅ Error handler middleware
  • ✅ Make controllers:
    • ✅ Video
    • ✅ User
    • ✅ Auth
    • ✅ Comment

🔴 Implement next functionality:

  • 🟡 Auth:

    • ✅ SignUp
    • ✅ SignIn
    • ✅ Google Auth
    • ✅ Logout
  • 🟡 User:

    • ✅ Get User
    • ✅ Create User
    • ✅ Subscribe/Unsubscribe on User
  • 🟡 Video:

    • ✅ Create (Add new) video
    • ⬜ Edit/Update video
    • ⬜ Delete video
    • ✅ Get Video by ID
    • ✅ Get Video by subsriptions
    • ✅ Get Random videos
    • ✅ Get Hot/Popular videos
    • ✅ Get video by tags
    • ✅ Like/Dislike video
    • ✅ Search video
    • ⬜ Incresase view count
  • 🟡 Comment:

    • ✅ Get comments for current video
    • ✅ Add comment
    • ✅ Edit comment
    • ✅ Delete comment

🔶 General:

  • ✅ Connect Redux for:
    • ✅ User data storage
    • ✅ Video data storage


  • ✅ Signin/login errors with toastify
  • ⬜ Upload videos with toastify
  • ⬜ Google Auth error when close SignIn with Google popup
  • ⬜ Extract business logic (async interaction with the server) from components into redux-thunk

🔷 Routes to handle with:

Base route: 'localhost:{port}/api/v1'

🟡 Auth route >>> '*/auth'
🟡 User route >>> '*/users'
🟡 Video route >>> '*/videos'
🟡 Comment route >>> '*/comments'

marks: ✅ ⬜ 🔘 🔻 ❌ ✔️ 🔷 🔶 🔺 ⚪🔘 🔴 ☑️ ➖ ➕