Currency BG е Android приложение, което предоставя информация относно обменните курсове на валутите спрямо Българският Лев (BGN).
Currency BG is an Android application that delivers up-to-date currency exchange rates for Bulgarian Lev (BGN).
Currency BG ist eine Android-App, die aktuelle Wechselkurse für den Bulgarischen Lew (BGN) liefert.
- Runs on Android
or later
Докладвайте бъгове или добавете своите предложения и идеи на Issues дъската.
Use the Issues board to report bugs or open feature requests.
Get Android Studio.
Install SDK API 31
to be able to build the project.
Create a
file and fill in the signing-certificate properties.
Use tools/
as template.
Create an
file and fill in the remote server connection parameters.
Use tools/
as template.
To build the project run:
./gradlew clean build
To install a debug build run:
./gradlew installDebug