yarn dev
Need a DB url in the MONGODB_URI env variable
- You need a representation of the bot on slack apps.
- You need a localhost bridge
This can be done through ngrok
or serveo
Need to change the auth, interactive and commands on slack app to a localhost bridge for this to aim to locally running code
I need to check the rss feeds on the hosted page to see if the database flows I need to see that it stores the newest comics. I need to make sure it posts
Its currently hosted on (render)[https://render.com/], with free version. This turns itself off at times I use (cron-job.org)[https://cron-job.org/en/] to wake it 3 times a morning, in case there are different posting routines No-SQL is hosted on (mongoDb)[https://mongodb.com]
I currently push things to (papertrail)[https://www.papertrail.com/] and use their filters for warnings.
If I log error, slack message is sent to gjengen-ntnu.slack.com i kanalen #logging