This is a repository containing the LaTeX document for my CV.
- Each sentence should begin on a new line
- Each author should use his/her own branch namespaced with the section s/he is working on
- Good examples of branch names are "jane/abstract" and "roland/discussion"
- MacTeX & TeXShop (
- This download is about 2.25 GB and includes all of the TeX tools you will need including LaTeX, BibTeX and TeXShop.
- Familiarity with git will be helpful for tracking the progress of this document and visualization tools (e.g. SourceTree for OS X) may be very helpful.
- To see the difference in the raw TeX, use
git diff --color-words A..B
, where A and B two revisions you'd like to compare. Remember that branch names are simply pointers to revisions, so this commandgit diff --color-words master..abstract
will show the difference between the master branch and the abstract branch. If these arguments are left out, the working directory will diffed against the most recent revision. - To see the difference in the formatted output, you'll want to use latexdiff (/usr/texbin/latexdiff)
- latexdiff is a perl script that generates a tex file summarizing the changes between two input tex files. That tex file can then be used to generate a pdf that shows these differences in real layout.
- To make this work nicely with git, you may want to add the following script at ~/bin/git-latexdiff
TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d ~/git-latexdiff.XXXXXX)
latexdiff "$1" "$2" > $TMPDIR/diff.tex
pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory $TMPDIR $TMPDIR/diff.tex
open $TMPDIR/diff.pdf
sleep 1
rm -rf $TMPDIR
NOTE: this script assumes that you have added /usr/texbin to your PATH.
- Now add the following stanzas to ~/.gitconfig or repo/.git/config
cmd = ~/bin/git-latexdiff "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"
prompt = false
ldiff = difftool -t latex
- You can generate a typeset pdf of the diffs by typing
git ldiff A..B cv.tex