documentation generator for GraphQL API
the first argument receives a path to find the schema source, and second argument receives a path to export the markdown file.
$ npx gql-docgen [schema-source] [out-dir]
GraphQL endpoints are also supported.
$ npx gql-docgen https://your-gql-api/graphql ./out
if you want to use a local file or folder as a schema source, enter that path.
# folder
$ npx gql-docgen ./typeDefs ./out
# file
$ npx gql-docgen ./schema.gql ./out
the informations can be expressed by attaching a reserved tag in the docstring of the schema file.
The @req
tag inside the docstring is shown as a block of code in the paragraph "Request"
type Query {
query GetGuestCart($input: GetCartByGuestInput!) {
guestCart(input: $input) {
items {
guestCart(input: GetCartByGuestInput!): GetCartPayload!
The @res
tag inside the docstring is shown as a block of code in the paragraph "Response"
type Query {
"data:: {
"items": {
guestCart(input: GetCartByGuestInput!): GetCartPayload!
The @desc
tag adds a description just below the resolver name.
type Query {
@desc Gets the list of customer's cart items
guestCart(input: GetCartByGuestInput!): GetCartPayload!
when you fetch schemas from your graphql api, you might need to set your authorization key. if you attach headers
option, you can.
$ npx gql-docgen https://your-gql-api/graphql ./out --header "Authorization=[your token]"
you can set heading with title
$ npx gql-docgen ./schema.graphql ./out --title Commerce