DPL (digital preservation lab) turns a fresh Ubuntu installation into a fully configured environment for various digital preservation tasks. DPL has been developped for teaching and experimenting. I use it in my courses at FHGR as well as in continuous education.
To set up DPL you need a fresh Ubuntu installation, run
wget -qO- https://hultarp.org/install | bash
or clone this repository and run dpl_install.sh.
In parentheses the start commands from the command line
- Visual Studio Code (code)
- gedit gedit
- Gimp (gimp)
- gThumb (gthumb)
- VLC (vlc)
- Chrome-Browser to be used with the Webrecorder-Plugin (which you have to install manually)
- curl (curl)
- dd (dd)
- dvdisaster (dvdisaster)
- gddrescue (ddrescue)
- rsync (rsync)
- wget (wget)
- exiftool (exiftool)
- file (file)
- JHOVE (jhove)
- md5sum (md5sum)
- Mediaconch (mediaconch)
- Handbrake (handbrake)
- Imagemagick (convert, mogrify)
- Libreoffice (libreoffice)
- Pandoc (pandoc)
- docuteam packer (packer)
- Bagger (bagger)