last updated: 9th November 2024.
A cookbook to convert an old laptop into a Sovereign Personal Bitcoin Node.
Easy to follow instructions to build a secure and sovereign Linux based Bitcoin node using free open source software, self-verified (non-branded/containerised), enabling the use of hardware wallets while preserving privacy of personal bitcoin addresses (& balances) when interacting with the bitcoin network.
Because external guides can be out-of-date and not actively maintained. This guide has a subheading stating the last update and a link to each official software project page for further self verification.
Think of this as a general installation guide with additional trouble shooting tips.
Inspired by Arman The Parman with a few personal additions...
You can maximise privacy. Connecting your bitcoin wallet to your a node means not relying on someone else's copy of the timechain data, you won't divulge your IP (your location!) nor your bitcoin addresses (and their balances). It's harder for potential attackers to even know you exist and provides protection from surveillance firms who WILL co-operate with your local ruler when it's confiscation time during the inevitable collapse of fiat.
You can verify if you have been paid - like checking a gold payment is real by melting it down. A bitcoin payment must register on your copy of the timechain.
Defend the rules of your money if there is a contentious fork - no one can force you to run Bitcoin Larry Fink's Vision, for example.
Be one of many cockroaches that need to be destroyed to wipe out the UTXO set (who owns what). Note: even that doesn't kill Bitcoin, Bitcoin is an idea. They'd have to kill all the Bitcoiners.
Help someone else run a node, or provide the infrastructure so someone else can trust you and connect to your node. Remember, being a human node is not the power to run the software but the power to choose the right software to connect to - you can be that option for people, especially those you orange pill, instead of letting them connect to a random node.
Enjoy peace of mind, and gain a greater appreciation for the power of Bitcoin. You’ll probably end up buying more, and accumulating more girlfriends.
Bitcoin Core minimum requirements
- Ram: 1GB
- CPU: Some ARM chipsets >1.GHz
- HDD: 650GB (however large the Bitcoin blockchain currently is.)
- Download: 500 MB/day (15 GB/month)
- Upload: 5 GB/day (150 GB/month)
Most entry level laptops should meet the above specifications. Just add an external 2T SSD drive with an unlimited broadband connection.
I purchased this second hand HP portable laptop from for $140.
- Ram: 16GB
- CPU: Intel celeron 1.1 GHz
- HDD: 64GB
At time of writing the Bitcoin blockchain is around 600GB of data so you will almost certainly need to upgrade the laptops internal SSD card. The laptop I am using has a 256GB Nvme SSD so I upgraded to this 2TB SSD card for $93.
- Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
- Bitcoin-Core
- Tor
- ProtonVPN
- Electrs
- Electrum wallet
- Specter wallet
- Sparrow wallet
- Brave-Browser
- Mullvad VPN
- Telegram
- Ledger Live
For all Bitcoin software, it’s a particularly important security step to verify the release. This is done to ensure the installation file you download has not been compromised. Follow download instructions and use gpg in the terminal as instructed. - Sparrow
I installed Ubuntu 22.04 LTS because at the time of install, the Tor project had not released support for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.
If repurposing an old Windows laptop, Deactivate Secure-Boot.
Secure boot signing authorities have made mistakes in the past (section 3, page 2 under 'Disadvantages'). Let's verify all the software ourselves and not trust a third-party to do this for us.
Press the laptops power-on button then immediatly press the Function key that enters the Bios menu. For the HP Laptop I'm using it was the F2 key. Bios key by manufacturer.
Once the system Bios has loaded, proceed to turn-off
Secure Boot
(usually located under thesecurity
tab), save and exit. Then turn-off the laptop. -
On a seperate PC head over to Ubuntu Releases and download the following three files:
Save all three files to your Downloads folder.
Note, the slightly different commands, depending if you are on Windows or Linux. Reference Link
- Verify signitures. Open a Terminal window (CTRL+ALT+T). Run:
gpg --keyid-format long --verify SHA256SUMS.gpg SHA256SUMS.txt
- Verify ISO file
certutil -hashFile <ISO_file_path> SHA256
Now open the SHA256SUMS.txt file in your Downloads folder and compare the SHA256 checksum inside the file with the checksum that was printed to the Terminal. It will be a long hash, verify both hashes/numbers match, if so, your ISO download is authentic.
- Verify signitures. Open a Terminal window (CTRL+ALT+T). Run:
gpg --keyid-format long --verify SHA256SUMS.gpg SHA256SUMS.txt
- Verify ISO file
The output you want will look similar to the following:
sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS 2>&1 | grep OK
ubuntu-22.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso: OK
Follow the official installation instructions to install Ubuntu.
Create partition table (not always required).
Flashing a USB drive with an ISO image will place a write protection on the USB drive, to prevent accidental deletion of your bootable USB drive data. If you make a mistake and need to reformat the USB drive then use something like Aomei to remove the write protection so you can reformat the drive and start again (or to reclaim the USB drive to be used for something else).
Open a new Terminal window:
Copy text in the Terminal:
Paste text in the Terminal:
Once Installation has finished.
- Update package manager. Run:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
- Install Git
sudo apt install git
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS dependencies to run Specter and Ledger-Live apps.
- Install libfuse2
sudo add-apt-repository universe && sudo apt install libfuse2
Creats Desktop icons to launch AppImages such as Specter & Ledger-Live.
- Install dependencies
sudo apt install software-properties-common
- Add to apt repo
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:appimagelauncher-team/stable
- Update apt
sudo apt update
- Install
sudo apt install appimagelauncher
When first run you will be greeted with Welcome to AppImageLauncher!
. Configure your App image prefernces to create a new directory to store your (AppImage) Applications, the default location is: /home//Applications. Change the location if you wish (I chose the default) then click OK
Whenever you run a new AppImage you will have two choices, Run Once
or Integrate and run
. Click Integrate and run
. This will add an executable icon of the app to your App
folder. You can now also right click the App and add it to your favourites tray on your desktop toolbar.
Because you will want to run your node for 6+ hours a day (24hrs is better) you will need to adjust the power & lid closure settings to prevent the laptop entering into a low power mode, slowing or halting network traffic.
Show Apps > Settings > Power Settings.
Make the following adjustments:
- Power Mode = Balanced
- Automatic Power Saver = Off
- Automatic suspend = Off
Then close the settings menu.
Navigate to systemd directory. Run:
cd /etc/systemd
Open logind configuration file
sudo nano logind.conf
and make it equal toHandleLidSwitch=ignore
, save and exit. -
Restart the systemd daemon (be aware that this will log you out of Ubuntu) with this command
sudo systemctl restart systemd-logind
Move to Downloads folder and download repo. Run:
cd ~/Downloads && wget
Install repo
sudo dpkg -i ./protonvpn-stable-release_1.0.4_all.deb && sudo apt update
Check the repo package integrity by checking its checksum
echo "62a9d849835de8a5664cf95329458bf1966780b15cec420bf707b5f7278b9027 protonvpn-stable-release_1.0.4_all.deb" | sha256sum --check -
Install ProtonVPN desktop app
sudo apt install proton-vpn-gnome-desktop
Check for updates to ensure you’re running the latest version
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
Linux system tray icon (optional) By default, GNOME doesn’t support tray icons. Enable this functionality
sudo apt install libayatana-appindicator3-1 gir1.2-ayatanaappindicator3-0.1 gnome-shell-extension-appindicator
Clean up and remove old files
cd ~/Downloads && rm -r protonvpn-stable-release_1.0.4_all.deb
Headover to ProtonVPN and Sign-up to a free account.
Connect to ProtonVPN whenever accessing a web browser on your machine.
Mullvad recommended by the official Tor website. It's a paid service but has no email requirement and can use BTC to pay for the service. The internet speed should also be faster than a free ProtonVPN account.
- Enter the following commands one at a time. Run:
sudo apt install curl
- Download keys to keychain
sudo curl -fsSLo /usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg
- Verify
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg] stable main"|sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/brave-browser-release.list
- Update and install
sudo apt update && sudo apt install brave-browser
A quick solution for encrypted files/messages.
- Install Telegram from apt repo. Run:
sudo apt install telegram-desktop
Head over to Bitcoin Core and:
- Download
Linux(tgz) 64 bit
and save to Downloads folder. - Scroll down the page, under the heading
Verify your download
, click onLinux verification instructions
, then follow the instructions to verify your download.
- Unzip the bitcoin folder
tar xzf bitcoin-28.0-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
- Install bitcoin core
sudo install -m 0755 -o root -g root -t /usr/local/bin bitcoin-28.0/bin/*
- Clean up
cd ~/Downloads && sudo rm -r bitcoin-28.0-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz guix.sigs SHA256SUMS.asc SHA256SUMS
Plug in your external 2T SSD drive.
Then start Bitcoin Core. Run:
You will be greated with the Bitcoin Core Welcome screen, it is here that we will let Bitcoin Core know where our external SSD drive is located if you are using one. If not just keep the default settings.
Limit block chain storage
. We want to download the complete Bitcoin blockchain from the genisis block. -
Bitcoin Core will now create the main data-directory
in a hidden folder .bitcoin inside your home directory. It is here that all Bitcoin Core configuaration files will be stored along with the complete blockchain data. Get familiar with this data-directory
(home/USERNAME/.bitcoin) location as we will be accessing it again later.
If you have trouble locating your external SSD Drive (if using one), try the following, open a new Terminal. Run:
cd /media && dir
You should see your user directory listed, cd
into this dir which should contain your external drive.
- Leave the laptop power plugged in and wait for the Bitcoin blockchain to download, Bitcoin Core will show a % complete and a rough estimate of how much time remains until completion.
Once Bitcoin core is fully synced you will be greeted with a welcome screen asking if you would like to
Create a new wallet
. Proceed to create a standard wallet. -
Then edit Bitcoin Core config file.
From the Bitcoin Core GUI click on
, thenOpen Configuration File
. -
Enter the below text, save and exit
# server=1, this tells Bitcoin to accept JSON-RPC commands # (such as ones from EPS or Electrs etc.). txindex=1 allows any transaction # to be looked up by EPS, this flag is not required for Electrs. server=1 txindex=1 listen=1 proxy= bind= datadir= # only connect to Tor hidden services, not even IPv4/IPv6 nodes onlynet=onion # Electrs can use the .cookie setting to connect to Bitcoin Core # but Specter can not and requires the rpcuser/rpcpassword to be set. rpcuser=<User> rpcpassword=<Password> # If running tor, walletbroadcast=0 prevents the node from # rebroadcasting transactions without tor. walletbroadcast=0
Now shut down Bitcoin Core so that the config changes we made can be applied. Click on the
in the top right hand corner. Or enter the below command in any Terminal window:bitcoin-cli stop
Configure your WIFI router to allow Bitcoin core incoming connections on port:8332. Make a note of both your MAC and IP address then follow the instructions in this Link
Retrieve your Laptops MAC address and IP address from the Terminal.
To print your MAC address to Terminal. Run:
ip link
You can find the MAC address of your device at the last line after
. -
Print your IP address to Terminal
hostname -I
- Install net-tools to check incoming/outgoing port traffic
sudo apt install net-tools
- Check what IP and port Bitcoin is listening to
sudo netstat --ip -lpa|grep bitcoin
"Browse Privately. Explore Freely. Defend yourself against tracking and surveillance. Circumvent censorship." -
- Verify your CPU architecture. Run:
dpkg --print-architecture
- Install apt-transport-https
sudo apt install apt-transport-https
- Check what Linux Distribution you have installed
lsb_release -c
- Create a new file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ named tor.list
cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
- Open the file
sudo nano tor.list
- Add the following entries inside the file, save and close
deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/] jammy main deb-src [arch=<amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/] jammy main
- Add Tor gpg key used to sign the packages
sudo wget -qO- | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/ >/dev/null
- Update apt
sudo apt update
- Install Tor
sudo apt install tor
- Check Tor is installed
tor --version
- Configure Tor to start at system Boot (optional but recommended)
sudo systemctl enable tor
- Manage Tor using systemd
sudo systemctl restart tor
- To check the status
sudo systemctl status tor
Set up Tor hidden service
Configure Bitcoin Core to only connect using Tor. Reference link
Additional video tutorial, for further reference: Canadian Bitcoiners
- Make changes to Tor configuration file. Run:
cd /etc/tor
- Open torrc file
sudo nano torrc
- Enter the below text at the bottom of the file, save and exit
ControlPort 9051 CookieAuthentication 1 CookieAuthFileGroupReadable 1
- Check what your Bitcoin Core user name is
ps -eo user,group,comm |egrep 'bitcoind|bitcoin-qt' |awk '{print "Bitcoin user: " $1}'
- Now add your Bitcoin Core user name to your Tor group. For example my command would be
sudo usermod -a -G debian-tor rez
as my Bitcoin user name is rez.sudo usermod -a -G debian-tor <user name found from above command>
- If the above command did not work, double check your Tor user group name, run this command for a list of user groups, look for a user group with Tor in it's name.
getent group
The above configuration sets up an automatic hidden service that is initiated by Bitcoin Core. On the next startup of bitcoin, Bitcoin Core will generate a file called onion_private_key
in the data directory. KEEP THIS SAFE. If someone copies this file they can run a server with your .onion address. While a malicious party cannot necessarily associate the server with you as a person, as long as your server has the same xxxx.onion address they will know it is run by the same person.
If you delete this file, the next time bitcoind loads it will generate a new key file and xxxxxxxx.onion address. For absolute security delete your onion_private_key
file at each reboot or some frequent interval.
- Do a system Restart
sudo shutdown -r now
- Start Bitcoin Core GUI
- Once loaded enter the
screen by pressingCTL+N
. - Click on the
tab. You should now see a list of all the Bitcoin peers that your node is connected too. Under theNetwork
column all the row values should sayOnion
, meaning you are only connected to peers over the onion ntwork.
- Check Bitcoin Core
. From the Bitcoin Core GUI click 'Window' tab, 'Consol', then type the below command after the>
and press enter.getnetworkinfo
- Scroll up until you see the networks section. Your node is running behind Tor if the 'ipv4' and 'onion' networks have the below settings (there will also be other settings in each network group but they can be ignored):
"name": "ipv4", "limited": true, "reachable": false And "name": "onion", "limited": false, "reachable": true
You will learn a lot about what Bitcoin Core is doing during start-up and shut-down if you watch the debug.log file.
- Navigate to you main Bitcoin data-directory.
cd ~/.bitcoin
- Ooen a new Terminal window, will will call this 'Terminal 1'. Activate tail on the Bitcoin Core debug.log file with a grep on Tor.
tail -f debug.log | grep tor
- Now in a new Terminal window start bitcoind with debug set to Tor.
bitcoind --daemon --debug=tor
- Watch the debug file output printed in Terminal 1. You will see
Tor: ADD_ONION successful
and a lot of other Tor actions printed to the Terminal that Bitcoin Core completed during start-up including starting aTor control thread
, opening aTor connection
and finally connecting to the Tor network using your Tor encryption key.
"Electrs is a great low-resource, easy-to-install option for personal use - especially on resource-constrained hardware." - Jameson Lopp
- Install recent Rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
- Install Cargo
sudo apt install cargo
- Update package manager
sudo apt update
- Install dependencies for Rust-RocksDB
sudo apt install clang cmake build-essential
I chose to compile electrs by statically linking to librocksdb, which has less dependencies.
- Install dependencies
sudo apt install -y libgflags-dev libsnappy-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev liblz4-dev libzstd-dev
- Clone the repo
git clone -b v7.8.3 --depth 1 && cd rocksdb
- Install using make
make shared_lib -j $(nproc) && sudo make install-shared
- Clean up directory
cd .. && rm -r rocksdb
- Prepare man page generation (optional)
cargo install cfg_me
- Move to home directory and download electrs repo
cd ~ && git clone
- Move into electrs directory
cd electrs
Note: you need to have enough free RAM to build electrs. The build will fail otherwise. Close those 100 old tabs in the browser.
First build should take ~20 minutes
cargo build --locked --release
During installation build the below warning was thrown:
warning: electrs (lib) generated 1 warning (run cargo fix --lib -p electrs to apply 1 suggestion) Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 5m 53s
I ran the command, suggested in the above warning, which completed the build without further errors.
cargo fix --lib -p electrs
Run cfg_me man
to see man page immediately or run cfg_me -o electrs.1 man
to save it into a file (electrs.1
First lets create a symbolic link to a directory that is in our PATH so we can run electrs from anywhere
sudo ln -s /home/<USER>/electrs/target/release/electrs /usr/local/bin/electrs
Check symbolic link was created
ls -l /usr/local/bin
Now when we upgrade to a new release we won't need to do this again as the link should still work.
Test the link
electrs --version
If the terminal displays a version number then the link is working and we can now run Electrs simply by running
from any location. -
Create a config file for Electrs
cd ~ && sudo mkdir .electrs && sudo nano .electrs/config.toml
Copy below text into config.toml, save and exit
# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY - COPY IT FIRST! # If you edit this, you will cry a lot during update and will not want to live anymore! # This is an EXAMPLE of how configuration file should look like. # Do NOT blindly copy this and expect it to work for you! # If you don't know what you're doing consider using automated setup or ask an experienced friend. # This example contains only the most important settings. # See docs or electrs man page for advanced settings. # File where bitcoind stores the cookie, usually file .cookie in its datadir #cookie_file = "/media/<USER>/<External_SSD_Name>/.cookie" # Use the below auth="USER:PASSWORD if you have RPC user:password set/active # in bitcoin.conf file. auth="<User>:<Password>" # The listening RPC address of bitcoind, port is usually 8332 daemon_rpc_addr = "" # The listening P2P address of bitcoind, port is usually 8333 daemon_p2p_addr = "" # Directory where the index should be stored. It should have at least 70GB of free space. db_dir = "/home/<User>/electrs/db" # bitcoin means mainnet. Don't set to anything else unless you're a developer. network = "bitcoin" # The address on which electrs should listen. Warning: is probably a bad idea! # Tunneling is the recommended way to access electrs remotely. electrum_rpc_addr = "" # How much information about internal workings should electrs print. Increase before reporting a bug. log_filters = "INFO"
Check size of current Bitcoin Core block directory
du -ch ~/.bitcoin/blocks/blk*.dat | tail -n1
This will print the size of the existing Bitcoin Core block directory. The final Electrs index DB will be about 10-20% the size of the Bitcoin Core block directory.
Start Bitcoind and wait for bitcoind to complete initial sync.
bitcoind -server -daemon
Check sync is complete (the "blocks" & "headers" number needs to match, if not then there are still blocks being downloaded and synced).
bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo | head
Start Electrs initial sync. First sync can take 1-2 days depending on CPU/hardware.
electrs --log-filters INFO
Check final size of Electrs server index DB (should be around 10% the size of the Bitcoin Core block directory we checked earlier).
du ~/electrs/db
- Install prometheus
sudo apt install prometheus
- Edit prometheus.yml file
Scroll to the bottom of the file and add the below, save and exit.
cd /etc/prometheus/ && sudo nano prometheus.yml
- job_name: electrs static_configs: - targets: ['localhost:4224']
- Restart prometheus
sudo systemctl restart prometheus
- Check collected metrics
brave-browser 'http://localhost:9090/graph?g0.range_input=1h&g0.expr=index_height&'
Click on Status
tab then Runtime & Build Information
tab to see if prometheus loaded and is pulling stats for further user querying.
Electrum was first released as open-source back in 2011, making it one of the most trusted Bitcoin wallets available.
- Download ThomasV public key and import into keychain. Run:
cd ~/Downloads && wget && gpg --import ThomasV.asc
- Install dependencies. Run:
sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5 libsecp256k1-dev python3-cryptography
- Download package
- Verify signitures
wget && gpg --verify Electrum-4.5.5.tar.gz.asc
- Install with pip
sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools python3-pip && python3 -m pip install --user Electrum-4.5.5.tar.gz
- Clean up
cd ~/Downloads && sudo rm -r Electrum-4.5.5.tar.gz Electrum-4.5.5.tar.gz.asc ThomasV.asc
- System Restart
sudo shutdown -r now
The Electrum config file is located in a hidden Electrum directory, however this directory is only created once Electrum is run for the first time. To prevent any privacy leaks we can run Electrum with some flags to make sure it only connects to our Electrs server.
Launch Electrum using the following flags
electrum --oneserver --server --proxy socks5:
Once Electrum loads, immediatly close it down again so we can edit the config file that was just created.
Open Electrum config file
cd ~/.electrum && nano config
Replace the contents of the file with the below. save and exit:
{ "auto_connect": false, "check_updates": false, "decimal_point": 8, "log_to_file": true, "oneserver": true, "proxy": "socks4:localhost:9050", "proxy_password": "", "proxy_user": "", "server": "localhost:50001:t" }
This is what each config setting does:
- auto_connect: false = Don't auto connect to read headers at startup
- check_updates: false = Dont check for updates
- decimal_point: 8 = Use BTC not sats
- log_to_file: true = Log debugging to logs/ folder in data directory
- oneserver: true = Only connect to one server
- proxy: socks4:localhost:9050 = Use tor proxy
- proxy_password: "" = No password for tor proxy
- proxy_user: "" = No user deets for tor proxy
- server: localhost:50001:t = Connect to electrs without ssl
The next time we start Electrum we can simply run the command electrum
and let the config file handle the rest.
We will create a new test (hot) wallet in Electrum to confirm and verify our config settings are correct.
- Start electrum. Run:
- At the welcome screen. Click
. - Rename
(I think this name is less confusing). ClickNext
. - Select
I already have a seed
. ClickNext
. - Head over to CoinPlate and generate a Bip39 24 word seed phrase . Copy and save the seed phrase to a note on your desktop. Don't worry about security as this is just a simple test wallet for testing configuration settings.
- Copy and paste the seed phase into the Electrum box that is displayed.
- Click
, and selectBip39 seed
. ClickOK
. Ignore the warning and clickNext
. - Keep
native segwit (p2wpkh)
selected and clickNext
. - Leave the password fields blank, we wont encrypt the wallet data as this is just a test wallet, click
. - Electrum - enable update check. Click
. We will always verify and update our software ourselves.
We will use these to confirm Electrs & Bitcoin Core are connected correctly.
From the Electrum window press CTRL+N, this will bring up the
menu. -
Choose a name for your wallet, you can just name the wallet something like
. ClickNext
. -
Import Bitcoin addresses or private keys
, clickNext
. -
Add any bitcoin addresses that you would like to watch. A simple Google search can return some interesting famous bitcoin addresses. I find it more intuative to create a new watch wallet for each address. Out of curiosty and fun, I added the following three addresses to three individual wallets named
satoshi_address, huobi_address and mr100_address
. Just add the actual address (long string of 34 characters). i.e if you want to watch mr100 bitcoin address just add1Ay8vMC7R1UbyCCZRVULMV7iQpHSAbguJP
and clickNext
.- 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa (satoshi_address, shows first Bitcoin transaction to Hal Finney)
- 35hK24tcLEWcgNA4JxpvbkNkoAcDGqQPsP (Huobi_address = Huobi exchange hot wallet)
- 1Ay8vMC7R1UbyCCZRVULMV7iQpHSAbguJP (mr100_address = Unknown, transacts daily in blocks of 100 BTC)
No need to set a wallet password as your just watching someone elses Bitcoin address. Click
Footnote: Although it's great to watch something smash buy bitcoin in blocks of 100 at the same time there is always an equal seller for instance the legendary Gummo telling the world in 2024 that he's selling 72,572 bitocoin in blocks of 100🤔
X post - The Bitcoin Historian @pete_rizzo_
"I'm taking steps to sell the remaining 72,572 bitcoins responsibly! 💼 No deals with organised crime, third parties, or middlemen - just direct transactions with integrity. Selling in lots of 100 for transparency only. Let's keep it real & legal in the crypto world!💰" - Gummo
- Start Bitcoin-Core by running
to use the GUI or to run a daemon. Run:bitcoind -datadir=/media/<User>\<External_SSD_Name> -server -daemon
- Start Electra once Bitcoin Core has fully loaded
electrs --log-filters INFO --network bitcoin --db-dir ~/electrs/db --daemon-dir /media/<User>\<External_SSD_Name>
- Start Electrum once Electra has fully indexed and is at te blockchain tip. You can check this by looking at the Terminal printout and waiting for the
INFO electrs::chain chain updated
. Electrum will not sync until Electrs has synced to the tip of the Blockchain. So wait for theINFO electrs::chain chain updated
and you are good to launch Electrum.electrum
If the Network
light in the bottom righthand corner of Electrum GUI is blue then you are connected to your own node (which we configured & verified is running behind Tor). It is now safe to interact with your real wallets.
Specter is an open-source Bitcoin wallet, first released June 2020. It offers an intuative desktop GUI ideal for the creation and management of MultiSig or SingleSig wallets with extensive HWW support.
Create a new directory in Downloads folder called
and move into it.mkdir ~/Downloads/Specter && cd ~/Downloads/Specter
Download Specter, SHA256SUMS and SHA256SUMS.asc to Downloads folder
Now head over to here and click on
Verify signiture
, belowFor Linux
. Follow the instructions to verfiy both the signiture and the file.On step #2, Brave browser blocked the download, I had to manually resume/approve the download by clicking on the small yellow triangle in the top righthand corner of the browser window. I also had to rename the file to
as Brave-browser wanted to name the file by the long RSA number. -
Extract the download
tar -xvf ~/Downloads/Specter/specter_desktop-v2.0.5-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
- Naigate to Specter directory
cd ~/Downloads/Specter
- Apply the following udev rules by copying them to
and notifyingudevadm
. Your user will need to be added to theplugdev
group, which needs to be created if it does not already exist. Run the following commands one at a time:sudo cp udev/*.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo udevadm trigger
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo groupadd plugdev
sudo usermod -aG plugdev `whoami`
- Launch Specter for the first time
cd ~/Downloads/Specter && ./Specter-2.0.5.AppImage
You will be greeted with Specters welcome screen providing the options to configure the application.
Use the below config settings:
- Name = Bitcoin Core
- Username = (matching the rpcuser details in bitocoin.conf file)
- Password = (matching the rpcpassword details in bitcoin.conf file)
- Host =
- Port = 8332
Specter will automatically utilize the existing Tor configuration used for Bitcoin Core. To validate this yourself, you can check the Specter Desktop logs for any Tor-related messages or errors. If everything is configured correctly, you should see no issues or warnings regarding Tor.
- Check Specter logs for any errors/issues
cd ~/.specter && nano specterApp.log
- Clean up, delete old files/directories
cd ~/Downloads && rm -r Specter
Read Specters official docs to get the most out of the software wallets functionality.
Sparrow is an open-source Bitcoin wallet, first released September 2020, offering exellent wallet encryption, keeping the wallet open for as limited time as possible for added security. The encrypted wallet file can also be saved to a seperate location (external flash drive etc.) for additional plausible deniability.
- Verify your CPU architecture. Run:
dpkg --print-architecture
- Head over to hear and download the installation file that matches your architecture. Save to Downloads folder.
- Scroll the Sparrow/Downloads page and follow the instruction under the heading
Verifying the release
to verify your download. It doesnt make sense to install software then use that software to verify itself so we will verify manually using gpg. Scroll down the official Sparrow download page further for the manual vefification instructions using gpg. - Download and import craigraw/pgp_keys.asc
curl | gpg --import
- Verify the signature of the manifest file
cd ~/Downloads && gpg --verify sparrow-2.0.0-manifest.txt.asc
- Verify the download file
If you recieve the
sha256sum --check sparrow-2.0.0-manifest.txt --ignore-missing
result to your terminal then the solftware is authentic and safe to install. This also means that we can now use Sparrows veification feature to easily verify future software from the GUI interface if we wish.
- Navigate to Downloads folder and install the downloaded .deb file. This will save the app to your
Show Applications
folder, that can be accessed from your ~/Downloads && sudo dpkg -i <NAME_OF_FILE>.deb
- Start Sparrow by double clicking the app icon.
- Read the welcome messages and then choose
Server: type
,Private Electrum
(the blue toggle switch). - Enter these config settings
- URL: 50001
- Use SSL: toggle switch
- Certificate: (leave the field empty)
- Use Proxy: toggle switch
(blue) - Proxy URL: 9050
- Make sure Bitcoin Core and Electrs are running then click on the
Test Connection
button. You should be greeted with the following text:Connected to electrs/0.10.5 on protocol version 1.4 Batched RPC enabled. Server Banner: Welcome to electrs 0.10.5 (Electrum Rust Server)!
- Clean up, delete old files/directories
cd ~/Downloads && rm -r sparrow_2.0.0-1_amd64.deb sparrow-2.0.0-manifest.txt.asc sparrow-2.0.0-manifest.txt
Read Sparrows official docs to get the most out of the software wallets functionality.
Linux systems require udev rules from each Hardware device manufacturer to allow the USB functionality to work. These were all included during the installation of Specter (as Specter privided a handy folder containing all the most popular hardware device Udev rules for Linux).
- For electrum we just need to downgrade pip to allow installation of required dependencies for Electrum HWW support. Run:
python3 -m pip uninstall pip && python3 -m pip install pip==22
- Install dependencies
python3 -m pip install hidapi btchip-python ecdsa ledger-bitcoin
- Upgrade pip back to latest version
sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip
If you are still using Ledger or needing access to to the Ledger Live suite then follow below instructions to install.
- Add udev rules for Ledger (if not already done so) to allow USB access to your Ledger device
wget -q -O - | sudo bash
- Install Ubuntu 22.04 dependency
sudo add-apt-repository universe
- Head over to Official website and download the Linux .Appimage file to your Downloads folder.
- Shorten the name and move to the
directorymv ledger-live-desktop-2.91.1-linux-x86_64.AppImage ~/LedgerLive-2.91.1.AppImage
- Run Ledger-Live for the first time (after the first run the app will be added to your
Show Applications
folder via the desktop ~ && ./LedgerLive-2.91.1.AppImage
Build a launchable Desktop icon called Bitcoin
that when clicked will launch Bitcoin Core and Electrs, ready for you to then open the bitcoin wallet of your choice.
First we need to create an executable bash script, we'll call it
Edit the file with your application launch paths
#!/bin/bash # launch bitcoin-qt as a background job #/usr/local/bin/bitcoin-qt & # launch bitcoind as a background job /usr/local/bin/bitcoind & # Sleep to allow Bitcoin Core to load, if electra throws an error that then increase the sleep time sleep 5 # launch electrs /usr/local/bin/electrs --log-filters INFO exit 0
Make the file executable
chmod +x
Check if you have a .icon directory
cd ~/.icon
If you get the error
No such file or directory
. Then create the directory.mkdir ~/.icons
Move to
directory and download a Bitcoin logo iconcd ~/.icons && wget
Shorten the file name and move the file to the icon directory
mv bitcoin-symbol.svg btclogo.svg
Create a new file named bash.desktop in the home directory (same location as your file). This file will contain the desktop entry information.
cd ~ && nano bitcoin.desktop
Edit the file adding the following information, save and exit:
[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Terminal=true Icon=btclogo Name=Bitcoin Exec=/home/<user>/ Comment=Run Bash Script
Validate the bash.desktop file using the desktop-file-validate command
desktop-file-validate bitcoin.desktop
If there are no errors, the file is valid.
Move the bash.desktop file to Desktop
mv bitcoin.desktop ~/Desktop
Log out and log back in to your system to ensure the icon is updated.
Right-click the desktop icon, select
Allow Launching
(or similar). The icon should now be visible and launchable. -
Double click the desktop (Bitcoin) icon to Launch Bitcoin-qt and electrs together, or use the Terminal command:
Build a launchable Desktop icon called Electrum
that when clicked will launch the Electrum wallet.
- Create a new .desktop file
touch ~/Desktop/electrum.desktop
- Edit the new .desktop file
nano ~/Desktop/electrum.desktop
Add the following into the file, save and close.
[Desktop Entry] Name=Electrum Comment=Lightweight Bitcoin Wallet. GenericName=Bitcoin Wallet. Exec=/home/<USER>/.local/bin/electrum Icon=electrum Type=Application
Udate the shortcut’s permissions:
chmod +x ~/Desktop/electrum.desktop
Also add a shortcut to your app-menu
sudo cp ~/Desktop/electrum.desktop /usr/share/applications/
Right-click the desktop icon, select
Allow Launching
(or similar). The icon should now be visible and launchable. -
Double click the desktop (Electrum) icon to Launch Electrum.
- Remove Home folder icon
gsettings set show-home false