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Diana edited this page Oct 23, 2023
1 revision
This defines the project
data structure.
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Parent ||--|{ Services : "Owner of the service"
Parent ||--|| Repository: Code
string name pk
string domain
string version
string description
Project[] Services
String[] languages
String[] frameworks
Repository[] Repository
Project Parent
Repository Template
Service ||--|| Repository: Code
Service ||--|{ Services : "Owner of the service"
string name pk
string domain
string version
string description
Project[] Services
String[] languages
String[] frameworks
Repository[] Repository
Project Parent fk
Repository Template
string name
string description
string provider
bool is_private
string web_url
string git_url
bool from_template
string template
"Parent Project" }|--|| Service : "owner"
"Parent Project"{
string name
string web_url
string git_url
name: string # required - This is the name of the project and will be used to name the repository
domain: string # required - This is the domain of the project and can optionally be appended to the name of the project
version: string # required - This is the version of the project
description: string # required - This is the description of the project that serves as the description of the repository
languages: [string] # optional - This is a list of programming languages used in the service
frameworks: [string] # optional - This is the framework the service is developed
services: [service] # required for parent projects, or hierarchical projects - This is the list of services/chilren in the project
repo: [repository] # optional - This is the configuration for the repository
parent: Parent # required for hierarchical projects - This is the parent project of the microservice
from_template: bool # optional - This indicates if the repository was created from a template
template: string # optional - This is the name of the source template repository
name: string # required - This is the name of the repository
description: string # required - This is the description of the repository
provider: string # optional - This is the name of the provider of the repository
is_private: bool # optional - This indicates if the repository is private
web_url: string # optional - This is the web URL of the repository
git_url: string # optional - This is the git URL of the repository
from_template: bool # optional - This indicates if the repository was created from a template
template: string # optional - This is the name of the source template repository
name: string # required - This is the name of the parent project
web_url: string # required - This is the web URL of the parent project
git_url: string # required - This is the git URL of the parent project