HackerTarget API's through command line interactive interface or can be automated through command line
usage: main.py [-h]
[--tools TOOLS] [--hackertarget-api-key HACKERTARGET_API_KEY] [-i] [-d]
host - The domain to scan (default: None)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--tools TOOLS hackertarget IP tool to run ['mtr', 'nping', 'dnslookup', 'reversedns', 'hostsearch', 'findsharedns', 'zonetransfer', 'whois', 'geoip', 'reverseiplookup', 'nmap', 'subnetcalc', 'httpheaders', 'pagelinks', 'aslookup']. Type a comma-separated list (default: None)
--hackertarget-api-key HACKERTARGET_API_KEY Can also be defined using the HACKERTARGET_API_KEY environment variable (default: None)
-i, --interactive Run the script interactively (default: False)
-d, --debugging
-f , --file Name and Location to store report (default: None)
-o , --file-format Format for the report [html, pdf, txt] (default: None)