XELAH is a collection of libraries that build on top of each other.
The primary implementation will be focused on ste-perf-html but architected to be useful for other projects needing to edit strings parsable into sections and blocks.
A core library that others extend to edit their respective file formats.
An implementation of STE for editing HtmlPerf, a block based format based on Epitelete/PERF.
A series of react components to be used with the ste-core to customize the rendering of STE using MUI.
A series of react components to be used with the ste-core to customize the rendering of STE using tailwind.
A precursor to ste-perf-html, STE USFM is an implementation that is a starting point to edit raw USFM files.
A markdown implementation that is not comprehensive but a starting point that could use contributions.
https://www.npmjs.com/package/epitelete https://github.com/Proskomma/epitelete
https://www.npmjs.com/package/epitelete-perf-html https://github.com/unfoldingWord-box3/Epitelete-Perf-Html
https://www.npmjs.com/org/xelah https://github.com/xelahjs/xelah