Installation/Deployment instructions:
- Go to project folder, (connect to Mysql database before run the script) run SQL script (Mysql) "exammanagesys_datascript_team3ft_final.sql" in datascript folder;
- Go to Glassfish Admin Console, create one JDBC Connection Pool named "ExamSys", then create one JDBC Resources named "ExamSysEJava" to map the JDBC Connection Pool "ExamSys" which just created.
- Go to Glassfish Admin Console, Configurations, server-config, Security, Realms, create JDBC Realms named "JDBCRealms", fill with the form as follow, JAAS Context: jdbcRealm, JNDI: ExamSysEJava, User Table: USER, User Name Column: USER_ID, Password Column: PASSWORD, Group Table: GROUP_USER, Group Name Column: GROUP_ID, Password Encryption Algorithm: digestrealm-password-enc-algorithm, Digest Algorithm: none; then just let other field empty.
- Go back to project folder, make sure in persistence.xml, Data Source: ExamSysEJava, Table Generation Strategy: none, 'Include All Entity Classes in "ExamManagementSystem_Team3FT_final" Module' checked.
- Go to project folder, Server Resources folder, sun-resources.xml, change User and Password to your database user name and password.