A bot to run The "Commune" server through a system of direct democracy.
Using the bot, any member of The "Commune" server who has obtained the "Voter" role may initiate a vote for the following actions:
Usage: /propose channel delete <channel>
Usage: /propose channel create_voice <name> [category]
Usage: /propose channel create_voice <name> [category]
Usage: /propose channel create_voice <name> <topic> [category]
Usage: /propose channel create_category <name>
Usage: /propose message create <channel> <message>
The 'message' parameter is the text to send. The 'channel' parameter is the channel to send the text in.
Usage: /propose message delete <channel> <message_id>
The 'message_id' parameter is the id of the message to delete. The 'channel' parameter is the channel to send the text in.
Usage: /propose role can_view_send <role> <channel>
The 'role' parameter is the role to which this should apply. The 'channel' parameter is the channel to which this should apply.
Usage: /propose role cant_send <role> <channel>
The 'role' parameter is the role to which this should apply. The 'channel' parameter is the channel to which this should apply.
Usage: /propose role cant_view <role> <channel>
The 'role' parameter is the role to which this should apply. The 'channel' parameter is the channel to which this should apply.
Usage: /propose role create <r> <g> <b> <name> <position>
Usage: /propose role delete <role>
Usage: /propose role hoist <role>
Usage: /propose role unhoist <role>
The unhoist command uses the actions/role/hoist API.
Usage: /propose role set_position <role> <position>
Usage: /propose user role_add <member> <role>
Usage: /propose channel rename <channel> <new name>
Usage: /propose role rename <role> <new name>
Usage: /propose user role_remove <member> <role>
Usage: /propose user kick <member>