What I actually wanted was to switch the behaviour of alt + tab and ctrl + tab, so that:
- ctrl + tab switches apps
- alt + tab switches whatever (it's not really important for me since I didn't have this on macOS)
Coming from macOS I thought that if in Windows I REWIRE LALT LCTRL
then I'll basically get most macOS shortcuts on Windows for free without the need of remapping every single keyboard shortcut in AutoHotKey.
The biggest problem is that on macOS for windows switching you use ⌘ cmd + tab and not alt + tab. Now in Windows with my remaps, since I REWIRE LALT LCTRL
I swapped alt with ctrl so to get the same key position as on an Apple keyboard I should find a way to make ctrl + tab behave like alt + tab.
My strategy was to make Windows' ctrl act like ⌘ cmd on macOS, it's proving really hard to do!
I'm gonna document the ways I tried to solve it so if anyone finds this from a search: this is what I tried with AutoHotKey.
This kinda works but shift + ctrl + tab is impossible to do simply because the special event ShiftAltTab
doesn't support more than 2 keys.
; Docs: https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/Hotkeys.htm#AltTabDetail
; Each Alt-Tab hotkey must be either a single key or a combination of two keys, which is typically achieved via the ampersand symbol (&).
; Currently, all special Alt-tab actions must be assigned directly to a hotkey as in the examples above (i.e. they cannot be used as though they were commands). They are not affected by #IfWin or #If.
; An alt-tab action may take effect on key-down and/or key-up regardless of whether the up keyword is used, and cannot be combined with another action on the same key. For example, using both F1::AltTabMenu and F1 up::OtherAction() is unsupported.
This randomly misses some key up events so one of your keys stays pressed which messes up every other keyboard shortcut you press until you're able to quit AutoHotKey.
; https://superuser.com/a/1248610
LCtrl & Tab::
AltTabMenu := true
If GetKeyState("Shift", "P")
Send, {Alt Down}{Shift Down}{Tab}
Send, {Alt Down}{Tab}
if (AltTabMenu) {
~*LCtrl Up::
Send, {Shift Up}{Alt Up}
AltTabMenu := false
Same issues as Method 2.
; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=308245#p308245
; Remap Ctrl-Tab to Alt-Tab
Send {Alt down}{Tab}
Keywait Control
Send {Alt up}
; Remap Ctrl-Shift-Tab to Alt-Shift-Tab
Send {Alt down}{Shift down}{Tab}
Keywait Control
Send {Alt up}
Send {Shift up}
This one actually works ok but it's a full alt-tab remake with AutoHotKey. It would be perfect but modifying it to work with ctrl instead of alt is kinda hard since the code requires some advanced knowledge of AutoHotKey and Windows API (which I don't have). Still I got it to work kinda ok but I'd rather just switch ctrl + tab with alt + tab and have the native UI.