No-bundle Dev Server for morden ES modules.
deno install -A --unstable ''
$ deku create <project-name> // create a fre app
$ cd <project-name>
$ deku install // install modules from deku.json
$ deku // run
- Js(x)
There are two kinds of js, one is fre component, another is function.
And component will rerender, function will cause reload.
So, it's better that one component into one file, rather than maxing.
- Css
There are also two kinds of style, one is in fre component, another is inline html.
In the component, use css-in-js libraries, or add link to index.html, both them will rerender.
hot reload
This is for Fre but not Vue, and use deno instead of node without node_modules.
This use deno compiler for compiling JSX instead of vue compiler.
So, no bundle, no JSX compiler, no node……
MIT ©yisar inspired by vite.