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This is the practice of making movie recommendation engines.

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Movie Recommendation Engines

This is the practice of making movie recommendation engines.

Goal of This Project

The goal of this project is to understand how each model of the recommendation engines works and practice making the recommenders with movie data sets.

Content-Based Filtering

Content-based recommender is the system to rely on the similarity of items when it recommends items to users. For example, when a user likes a movie, the system finds and recommends movies which have more similar features to the movie the user likes. In the feature above, Movie 1 and Movie 2 are considered similar each other and they are not similar to Movie 3. If a user likes Movie 1, then the system should recommend Movie 2 to the user.

How to Implement

  • Step 1: Quantify the features of each movie in the data set (Use Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency (tf-idf))
  • Step 2: Calculate the similarity between movies (Use Cosine Similarity)
  • Step 3: Build the recommendation algorithm

Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency (tf-idf)

tf-idf is a numerical statistic which is used to calculate the importance of a word to a document in a collection of documents. The basic formula is as follows:

tf-idf (i, j) = tf (i, j) × idf (i, N)

  • tf (i, j) = f (i, j) / ∑ₖ f(k, j)
  • idf (i, N) = log(N/df (i))
  • f (i, j): the number of times that word i occurs in document j
  • ∑ₖ f(k, j) : the number of words in document j
  • df ᵢ: the number of documents where the word i appears
  • N: the total number of documents.

The TfidVectorizer() class from sklearn.feature_extraction.text library can be used to calculate and vectorize the tf-idf scores for each movie.

Cosine Similarity

we can use the cosine similarity which can be used to calculate the distance between two vectors. The formula of the cosine similarity is as follows:

Similarity = cos(θ) = (A⋅B)/(∥A∥×∥B∥)

  • A & B: non-zero vectors
  • θ: the measure of the angle between A and B
  • A⋅B: dot product
  • ∥A∥ or ∥B∥: the length of the vector A or B

The linear_kernel() class in sklearn.metrics.pariwise can be used to calculate the cosine similarity.

'Did you mean...?' Trick

We often misspell a movie title. When we make misspellings while using Google to search something, Google asks us, ‘Did you mean…?’ in order to help our search. I apply Levenshtein Distance in order to implement this trick to the recommendation engine. This is a technique to calculate the distance between words. The fuzz class in fuzzywuzzy library can be used to implement the Levenshtein Distance in Python.


For this practice, I use a movie dataset from the MovieLens. The version used in this practice has 9,742 movies. (movies.csv)

Build the Content-based Movie Recommender

All the lines of the code to build the content-based movie recommender are here. The additional explanation about the logic and the code can be found in this page as well.

Item-based Collaborative Filtering

Item-based collaborative filtering is the recommendation system to use the similarity between items using the ratings by users. The fundamental assumption for this method is that a user gives similar ratings to similar movies.

If we predict the rating for Movie_1 by User_1 in the example above:

  • Step 1: Find the most similar (the nearest) movies to the movie for which you want to predict the rating.
  • Step 2: Calculate the weighted average of the ratings for the most similar movies by the user.

The way to find the similar movies is to use the cosine similarity as follows:

In using the cosine similarity, replace the missing value for 0. Movie_3 and Movie_0 are the nearest movies to Movie_1. Then, the weighted average of the ratings for Movie_3 and Movie_0 by User_1 will be the predicted rating for Movie_1 by User_1. The cosine similarity is used for the weight for each similar movie.


For this practice, I create a small size of a rating dataset. Then, I apply the code I create to the MovieLens dataset. (movies.csv, ratings.csv)

Build the Item-based Collaborative Filtering

All the lines of the code to build the item-based collaborative filtering are here. The additional explanation about the logic and the code can be found in this page as well.