This project was designed with educational purposes for the final project of the IUST software engineering course and aims to cover a wide range of software engineering topics such as microservice architecture, communication between services (API architectures like REST, RPC, and gRPC), software development platforms such as Kubernetes and Docker Swarm, test writing for the authentication-service in the tests
branch, and monitoring tools such as Prometheus, Grafana, Jaeger, and Pyroscope should be reviewed.
Microservices, also known as the microservice architecture, are an architectural style that structures an application as a loosely coupled collection of smaller applications. The microservice architecture allows for the rapid and reliable delivery of large, complex applications. Key features of microservices include:
- Maintainable and testable
- Loosely coupled
- Independently deployable
- Organized around business capabilities
- Owned by small teams
In this project, I develop a number of small, self-contained, loosely coupled microservices that communicate with one another and a simple front-end application using REST API, RPC, gRPC, and AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol). The microservices we build include the following functionality:
All services are written in Go and will be deployed using Docker Swarm and Kubernetes.
This project consists of several loosely coupled microservices, all written in Go:
- front-end-service: Displays web pages.
- broker-service: An optional single entry point into the microservice cluster. to connect to all services from one place (accepts JSON; sends JSON, makes calls via gRPC, and pushes to RabbitMQ).
- authentication-service: Authenticates users against a Postgres database (accepts JSON).
- logger-service: Logs important events to a MongoDB database (accepts RPC, gRPC, and JSON).
- listener-service: Consumes messages from AMQP (RabbitMQ) and initiates actions based on the payload (sends via RPC).
- mail-service:Converts a JSON payload into a formatted email and sends it with Mailhog.
In addition to the microservices, the included docker-compose.yml
at the root level of the project starts the following services:
- PostgreSQL: Used by the authentication-service to store user accounts.
- MongoDB: Used by the logger-service to save logs from all services.
- Mailhog: Used as a fake mail server to work with the mail service. (Mailhog dashboard is available on
Access the following monitoring tools at these URLs:
- Prometheus: http://localhost:9090
- Grafana: http://localhost:3000
- Jaeger: http://localhost:16686
- Pyroscope: http://localhost:4040
Fortunately, I wrote some Makefile
for this project to make life easier for me and you. So From the root level of the project, execute this command (this assumes that you have GNU Make and a recent version of Docker installed on your machine):
make up_build
If the code has not changed, subsequent runs can just be:
make up
Then start the front end:
make start
Hit the front end with your web browser at http://localhost:8081.
To stop everything:
make stop
make down
here is the complete list of Make
Choose a command:
up starts all containers in the background without forcing build
down stop docker compose
up_build stops docker-compose (if running), builds all projects and starts docker compose
build_dockerfiles builds all dockerfile images
push_dockerfiles pushes tagged versions to docker hub
front_end_linux builds linux executable for front end
build_auth builds the authentication binary as a linux executable
build_broker builds the broker binary as a linux executable
build_logger builds the logger binary as a linux executable
build_mail builds the mail binary as a linux executable
build_listener builds the listener binary as a linux executable
build_front builds the frone end binary
start starts the front end
stop stop the front end
test runs all tests
clean runs go clean and deletes binaries
help displays help
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Feel free to contribute and I'll be happy to see you :)