To improve server efficiency by micro-services architecture.
This application is generated using Spring Boot 2.0.6.RELEASE and Spring Cloud Finchley.SR2.
Before you can build this project, you must install and configure the following dependencies on your machine:
Run the following commands in each separate terminal of 5 different branches (micro-services)
cd build/libs
java -jar your_package_name.jar --server.port=port_number
Pay attention to the order of running the instance of 5 micro-services on different ports.
- micro-weather-eureka-server
- msa-weather-city-eureka
- msa-weather-collection-eureka-feign
- msa-weather-data-eureka
- msa-weather-eureka-client-zuul
- msa-weather-report-eureka-feign-gateway-hystrix
Check the client instance on the Eureka server.
- Bootstrap
- Thymeleaf
- jQuery
- Spring Boot
- Spring Cloud
- Spring MVC
- Apache HttpClient
- Quartz Scheduler
- Eureka
- OpenFeign
- Zuul
- Hystrix
- XmlBuilder.xmlStrToObject
- restTemplate.getForEntity
- stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue