Selectively enable or disable the completions with cenable
and cdisable
zi pack for brew-completions
# Utilize Turbo
zi wait pack for brew-completions
# Utilize Turbo and initialize the completion system
zi wait pack atload=+"zicompinit; zicdreplay" for brew-completions
# Utilize Turbo and initialize the completion with fast compinit
zi wait pack atload=+"zicompinit_fast; zicdreplay" for brew-completions
The ZI command executed will be equivalent to:
zi has'brew' id-as='brew-completions' wait as='completion' lucid \
atclone="+zi-message 'Installing Brew completions...'; \
command mkdir -p ${ZPFX}/completions; \
command cp -f $(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions/_* ${ZPFX}/completions; \
zi creinstall -q $(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions" \
atload='fpath=( ${(u)fpath[@]:#$(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/*} ); fpath+=( ${ZPFX}/completions )' \
atpull='%atclone' run-atpull nocompile countdown for \
This repository compatible with ZI
The ZI package that uses the zsh-string-lib to automatically:
- get the plugin's Git repository OR release-package URL,
- get the list of the recommended ices for the plugin,
- there can be multiple lists of ices,
- the ice lists are stored in profiles; there's at least one profile, default,
- the ices can be selectively overridden.